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[–]malloww 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

The FBI released statistics in November showing a 17% increase in overall hate crimes in 2017. Of 7,175 reported crimes, more than 1,200 were based on sexual orientation or gender identity bias.

The transgender community has been especially hard hit. In 2018, there were at least 26 deaths of transgender individuals in the U.S. because of violence, mostly black transgender women, according to the Human Rights Campaign, which has tracked 10 deaths so far this year.

This is the kind of disingenuous crap that's leading to reduced acceptance in the first place! Hand wringing about how the poor trans are so much more oppressed, but when you check the source they link it contradicts their own argument - 15.8% of bias crimes target sexual orientation, and 1.6% target gender identity. Best numbers I can find put the LGBT population at about 4-5%, with T being 0.6-1%.

Even if you assume that all people saying they're LGBT do in fact experience homosexual attraction (which seems like a stretch given how over represented transbians and gaydens seem to be), there should only be about 8.5 LGB people for every T. Yet there are 10x bias crimes for sexual orientation than gender identity. That means people are disproportionately targeted for sexual orientation, not gender identity. More realistically there's probably somewhere in the range of 4-6 LGB for every T, in which case people are targeted twice as often for sexual orientation per capita.

But no, we can't acknowledge the truth because that might not frame trans people as the most victim-y victims of all time. Instead we have to bemoan the poor trans women, while calling out young Karens who have mysteriously become homophobes, and ignore that their sudden change of heart probably involves aggressive nonbinary and trans "queers" who are mostly heterosexual being insufferable dicks in younger social circles with no pushback allowed.

[–]BEB 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Also, young "Karens" are the ones seeing boys take their sporting trophies and pushing their way into girls' locker rooms, so they're seeing more than young trans-identified males just being "insufferable dicks in younger social circles" and they're not happy.