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[–]ImNOTRobertPaulson 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I spent probably too much time going through the responses on his tweet. A few things I noticed:

  1. The wonderfully tolerant TRAs sure do love using that f-slur. And when pressed about using it, their excuse is "I'm gay. I'm allowed to use it." And here, I thought common decency would be to refrain from using slurs in public settings because they may trigger some people.

  2. Parallel point with #1: would these same people be ok if a trans person went around on Twitter calling themself the T-slur? Would that be ok? After All, that person is trans...

  3. Trans people are simultaneously the most oppressed, unrecognized, and at-risk minority group, and also the SOLE reason we have rights. Make it make sense...

I could easily go on and on, but this is already kinda long, and hey, rule of threes.