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[–]OPPRESSED_REPTILIANIntersex male | GNC | Don't call me "a gay", "twink" or "queen" 21 insightful - 1 fun21 insightful - 0 fun22 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Because TRAs think we are:

  • Hermaphrodites, and since a lot of them are into anime porn, they think that's sexy and want to fetishize us. I have often had TRAs ask me for nudes because they've "never met someone who was both."

  • Subhuman "he-shes" that they use to "prove" that nonbinary people are "valid", because hey, if we disgusting freaks exist then surely it makes sense for a random privileged teenager to say they are a they/them, am I right?

No joke, it's not just mindless inclusion, the LGBT+ is outright abusive to intersex people. They fetishize and degrade us, use our existence to justify unrelated concepts, all while supporting concepts ("sex reassignment") and laws ("legal third gender") that have been used against us. "Trans friendly" laws can actually be anti-intersex trojan horses, because if a third "other" category exists, it's NOT going to be reserved solely for "nonbinary" hipsters. It's going to be "assigned" to intersex infants with disorders, if people believe the woke thing to do is other them and treat them like aliens instead of recognizing them as male/female with a medical condition.

Oh, and trans people steal intersex spaces. All of them. The main intersex reddit is a trans propaganda hub. Private "intersex focused" Discord servers are actually trans servers in disguise. I haven't found a single intersex community that didn't quickly become full of trans people, particularly MTFs, pretending to be intersex/asking if they're intersex because they "identify as both" or are predatory and want to see pictures of intersex people's genitals. I had to start my own on Reddit, shortly before the ban waves, and even my own got trans fetishists coming in and trying to take over, turn it trans focused etc within a matter of WEEKS. It was a tiny sub, too.

I haven't met another intersex person who liked the LGBT+ treatment of intersex people. And this is why I cannot just "agree to disagree" with transgender ideology nor be friends with trans people. This ideology literally tells me I am subhuman, a fetish object, and that I'm not allowed to complain about the fact that people like me lack actual bodily rights in most countries, or that children are being given horrible cosmetic genital procedures, because trans people want to claim they have it worse when someone doesn't "validate" them. it's disgusting.

[–]el-sol-duerme 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

First I’m so sorry this movement uses people like you as a pawn for their self-righteous ideology. I knew a trans woman who claimed to be born intersex because her mother used some strong drugs to alter her pregnancy and make her fetus a girl. I knew then that that was not possible in the slightest. That trans woman justified her transition by calling herself intersex instead of being born and raised male. She was also not a great person to be around, ie getting aggressive after calling her out on her racist language.