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[–]Femaleisnthateful 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is comedy gold. Alright let's break this down:

Panel 1: a wall of random phallis-shaped objects. We're told that genitals can literally look like anything, including a cob of corn, apparently. No, they can't and shouldn't. They have a specific form and function, and if your genitals look like half-frozen jello, you should maybe see a doctor. I think the point here is to detach body parts and sexual organs from material definitions of male and female. And they mean 'detached' in the literal sense, evidently.

Panel 2: Gender idealogues and critical theories are literally trying to demolish the very concept of the nuclear family, aren't they? Here they are mocking people for wanting biological children and portraying some random slob to mock the concept of natural procreation. No, there aren't a 'million ways' to create children. There's a male gamete and a female gamete which get combined and gestated in a human female. That's it. We as a society have moved very quickly from 'children have a right to know their biological heritage' to ... whatever is being advocated for here.

Panel 3: Your preconceived notions of trans peoples' bodies are transphobic. This is perhaps the most ironic, because the success of transactivism has been predicated on exactly that: well-meaning people ignorantly believing that 'trans' means 'transition' ie sex reassignment surgery. Here they are acknowledging that 'trans' can mean anything - and therefore nothing.

Panel 4: I just want receipts. Cis people have sex with trans people all the time but lie about it/ hide it? I've heard of trans people catfishing potential partners by hiding their true sex/ genitals. Can we talk about that?