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[–]SapphicFox 33 insightful - 2 fun33 insightful - 1 fun34 insightful - 2 fun -  (5 children)

This topic has always been a sesative point for me when TRA's salivate at the thought of uterus/ penis transplants and never fails to make me incredibly angry. I had a kidney transplant over a decade ago and am currently waiting for another one, maintenance of a organ transplant is a very delicate balance, you are put on immune suppression drugs so your body doesnt reject the transplanted organ, you take these drugs for the rest of your life or until the transplant gives out. You have to be VERY careful not to catch a cold or the flu amongst other things as it can increase the chance of rejection. In addition to all that the drugs increase your chance of potentially developing various cancers due to their immune suppression nature or cause your body to react in different ways, like increased weight gain or hair ;loss.

Having a transplant was wonderful, it greatly improved my quality of life but the maintenance is something you have to dedicate yourself to fully and take medication daily. On top of that it was life saving for me and not something to fulfill a deluded fantasy.

[–]winterwillow 13 insightful - 2 fun13 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

Thank you for sharing your story! In line with their 'customize your body' way of thinking, some trans people seem to think that it's just to stitch a body part on/in and you're all ready to go. I read about a woman giving birth with a donated uterus, and she only kept it just the time it took to get pregnant and carry the baby to term, then they removed it. The idea that a trans woman would be allowed to be put on the immune supressing drugs and go trough everything you describe, just in order to try and live out their 'accidently knocked up' fetish is absurd.

[–]SapphicFox 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

No worries Im happy to share. :)

Yeah, they seem to see transplants as just sewing on a organic strap- on or a baby carrying sack, they forget that it leterally has to connect to the rest of the body through countless nerves. vessels and even cells. And if you're body isnt naturally meant to support that particular organ, I can only assume chances of rejection will be higher. I don't even want to think what this would mean for a developing baby as I'd wager the transplant would need to be maintained with a cocktail of extra drugs due to the carrier being a male. Thats if the kid doesnt get crushed or deformed by the narrower male hips first. This is truly a fetish for them.

Also to add, transplants are in a massive shortage globally, here in the UK around 1000 people die a year waiting for one, you cant just pop to your local hospital to request a random organ to be plopped in your body.