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[–]GarageCar[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I don't understand the "go educate yourself" either! It seems lazy to me. If someone really wants others to be educated, they would have to bother responding to their questions, and teaching them, telling them to go do their own research might have the opposite effect. Because then they might go find "sources" that give out false information, and we know the internet is full of those. E.g. even most "scientific" articles are pro-trans and not scientific at all.

I think for pro-trans people, it's a mixture of both being incapable of answering the questions properly, and feeling cool by saying "go educate yourself" and leaving it at that.

They don't know what they are talking about, we tell them something and they keep going in circles and repeating "trans men are men! trans women are women!!!"

But when they don't bother going in the circles, they just say "educate yourself!" to sound cool, their followers or those who are neutral think they are being cool too and go "oh so they know the truth but just don't want to waste their time bothering with the uneducated, makes sense!" eventhough they are not telling the truth at all and they are the uneducated ones here.