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[–]emptiedriver 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

exactly, this is sort of driving me batty. I keep seeing pride flags around campus and the college town where I live now as a young part of faculty, and I'm just confused. I remember when gay rights went from a political and adrenaline-filled march to a relaxed corporate happy parade - well okay, we won the fight and could celebrate. I vaguely remember some point when there was a silly exaggeration into a whole month instead of a weekend... But presumably that was just for that one year, maybe it was an anniversary or something and it had been a long fight after all, so fine, we could put on a party, why not. But then that kept on being the tradition, a whole month for Pride - felt indulgent and unnecessary and honestly just capitalistic and boring. Not like the old days, but obv I'm just getting old. But now in October? No idea what's going on anymore