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[–]Shadow_Lurker 26 insightful - 1 fun26 insightful - 0 fun27 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Let's see...

From a science point of view

Let me guess, this person haven't cited even one study to corroborate this and is just vomiting some shit they saw on twitter.

Sexual preferences are a spectrum, not just an on/off-value

They keep using the word 'spectrum', but seem to not understand what it really means. A spectrum needs it's extremes to exist, or in other words: if there's no such a thing as gay and straight, then there's no sexuality spectrum!

Who would've thought!

Another poster posted about "social conditioning" to have "genital preferences"

For a person that was seconds ago citing science they sure don't know even basic biology. Most people care about genitals because they are essential to reproduction, not just to spite some brave and stunning transgender.

Do these people really think that genitals are just cosmetic things with no function? How many layers of delusion does someone needs to be in other to believe shit like this?

that being attracted to someone because of their genitals, then you're just "fetishizing" genitals & aren't attracted to the person.

1 - 'Genital Fetish' is an oximoron.

2 - By this standard, every sexual orientation is just a continuous fetishizing of certain people's bodies.

3 - The use of the word 'fetish' as a pejorative is very rich coming form the TQ's: aren't they the people who always wanted to cram fetishists with the rest of the LGBT? Speaking of that, isn't trans twitter a clusterfuck of sick fetishes including fetishization of homosexuality?

Who are the fetishists now?