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[–]reluctant_commenter[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I think in our push for acceptance and rights we minimused the issues our communites have.

That's a really good point, and makes a lot of sense. I'm sure people saw getting legal rights as the most urgent problem of their day-- but given that, it is actually unsurprising that the whole trans debate has resurfaced raging. The question was when, not whether, it happened.

I suspect most gay and lesbian people have at least considered - am i actually the opposite sex, is that what this feeling is? before realising we are just gay or lesbian (bi people may also feel the same way?).

You know.. I think that's the first time I've ever considered how widespread gender dysphoria might be, even mild forms. I just kind of assumed it was something only a few LGB people deal with, you know?

Add to that, the fact that even if a gay/lesbian person with gender dysphoria is able to make their way to LG spaces, the people there might be scornful about talking about it-- "I don't want to hear you talking about hating your body or wanting to be more like the body of the opposite sex, that's the most un-gay/un-lesbian thing I've ever heard" (not sure how this might play out for bisexual people). And then gender dysphoria would be even less spoken about.