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[–]CleverNickName 67 insightful - 5 fun67 insightful - 4 fun68 insightful - 5 fun -  (1 child)

Loved the one comment going "Terfs just downvote in silence, you never hear them actually discuss things"

On reddit. 2 (?) months after the huge banwave targeting gender- and TQ-critical subs. In a sub that goes HARD against reasonable harmless opinions from normal lesbians, and absolutely fucking nuclear against trans-criticism.

Sure, dude, I'll post my opinion about something on your male-dominated hugbox, see how far that'll get me. Why don't you come here, we don't even HAVE downvote buttons.

[–]LasagnaRossa 26 insightful - 4 fun26 insightful - 3 fun27 insightful - 4 fun -  (0 children)

I'm pretty sure they're pissed that can't deny us the right to vote in that sub. They wish the ban included the ability to leave an upvote/downvote.