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[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

compare being AGP with being gay

He didn't AT ALL. He explained in the beginning, with LOTS of detail the difference between the two types of transexuals (his point it's to show they're totally different and shouldn't be confused...):

The short version is that there are two--and only two--kinds of MTF transsexual.

One is 'homosexual transsexual' or HSTS: basically the cousins of very feminine gay men--the extreme end of the rainbow. (If you want a dodgy shorthand stereotype, think The Crying Game, or Cindy from Ally McBeal if anyone remembers that episode. Blaire White on YouTube is probably HSTS, as is Georgie Stone for the Aussies reading this. Also probably HSTS: Janet Mock, Laverne Cox, Kay Brown, Jazz Jennings, Bailey Jay, and maybe Rhyannon Styles.)

The other is 'autogynephilic transsexual' or AGP: heterosexual males with an erotic desire to be women. AGP can twist our sexuality into pretzels until we seem to be bisexual, asexual, attracted only to men or 'trans lesbians'. Apart from that, we seem like ordinary blokes--because we are ordinary blokes. We have trouble passing as women and often shock everyone when we come out as trans.

"blamed women for making AGPs uncomfortable"

He didn't. At all. I think in some sentences he was being quite humoristic. This was a critic towards AGP males clearly, not women.

But I am deeply alarmed and concerned by what autogynephilic men like me are doing. Denying and concealing a particular kind of sexuality is dangerous. I'm a man, much as I might wish I wasn't, and I know full well the kind of shenanigans we males try to get away with when nobody's looking.

I know many women see this whole thing as an orchestrated plot to destroy feminism and put females back in their boxes. You might be right. (That Everyday Feminism site disturbs me.) But my gut feeling at the moment is that it's something more selfish and unconscious. Something typically male, in other words. I don't think a lot of us even notice the damage we're doing as we rampage around in the china shop.

The real implications--that AGP means we're all fundamentally heterosexual males, and that women should be just as wary of us as they are of every other heterosexual male--seem to fly over their heads. Even though I'm standing there going, "Hello? I have AGP and I'm telling you not to extend a free pass to guys like me. Hello? Can you hear me? Is this thing on? Hello?" Nah... the moment a man says he's a woman, he must have been one all along, welcome, how brave, here's your get-out-of-male-free card. I wonder when Trump will hit on that little trick.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

To be clear: I'm not ashamed of having AGP. Any more than a gay man or lesbian should be ashamed of being homosexual.

The comparison.

Like 'yell it from the rooftops' joy. In my view, calling us sicko perverts is counterproductive... although we're giving women plenty of justification these days.

Making it about how women "should" react.

[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Yes, you're right about the comparison in that part, although I personally presume that it wasn't his intention to say that AGP is of the same nature as homosexuality. But yes, I do understand better where you're coming from now and it wasn't a good comparison indeed.

About the other part... Well, he is simply stating his opinion isn't he? He wasn't like "WOMEN SHUT UP AND STOP SAYING THAT SO THAT I CAN GET OFF". Not only that, he actually understands why women are enraged:

although we're giving women plenty of justification these days.

He explains why it's counterproductive:

That sort of disgust, and the deep shame many AGPs feel, is one of the reasons AGP was hushed up and denied in the first place, because the dysphorics among us couldn't get treatment if we admitted to it. It's contributed to the mess we're in now.

Saying he's "blaming women" seems too harsh and exaggerated for a post whose intention was to defend feminists and women and be critical of AGP males. He even said "In my view"... and was respectful overall.

[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

AGP is a problem that only occurs in men that's been shoved on women. He recognizes it's wrong and yet still finds a way for women to be partially responsible, if only for hurting feelings.

He's so above it, and understands so much about it, yet here he is displaying his personal odyssey on figuring out women are people for sympathy.

I don't think any interpretation is wrong, but that's mine.

[–]oofreesouloo⚡super lesbian⚡[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Well, the female version exists also, it's called autoandrophilia, although it seems much rarer to occur than on men (but I admit I have no idea really). I really don't have the same opinion as you, given the entire scheme of the post. Even in the end he says:

I'm not writing all this to wring sympathy from anyone. I'm just trying to say that the denial of autogynephilia doesn't just hurt women and children (and team LGB, and...) It also hurts AGPs ourselves, by misleading us, turning our feelings inside out, and pandering to our selfish desires instead of teaching us restraint. Because if we're women, we must be safe and trustworthy, right?

Also, women also need to be better at asserting their boundaries too. I 100% agree with you that many men take advantage of women, not only because they're physically stronger, but also because women tend to give in much easier, because they were educated to put other's needs in front of her own needs socially. So, it's not easy. But women also need to learn to be more assertive and strong and not give in so easily (as long as it doesn't put her in risk).

But well, in short, let's agree to disagree then!