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[–]CAB_Life 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Reads like parody, but sadly it’s not. I think the whole “bootstraps” argument can be quite reductive, but some of these people are so simpering and spineless that you have to wonder if they’ve ever encountered anything truly frightful in their lives: job loss, sickness (physical not mental), the death of a partner or parent. Life is fucking hard and until you understand that and can cope with the challenges head on your existence will be nothing but a series of delays, excuses and failures. Unless you’re part of the ‘failing upward’ SJW brigade where you get accolades just for shitting, breathing, being depressed or pretending that you can actually have a period while born as a biological male.

Still, I can’t see these people looking back on their lives with anything but regret—whether they admit it or not. Part of cancel culture, a large part, is the continuous shifting of that blame and of the goalposts so that they never have to self-reflect.