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[–]PenseePansy 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

My apologies for taking so damn long to respond to this, 'Flutter. (I wanted to at the time you originally posted it, but my offline life has been in high gear lately.)

While it certainly isn't the case that I've opted out of relationships, I would like to say this: please don't get hung up on the sense that you need to have a "this-is-The-One" feeling in order to have a relationship. Sure, that's a common way to experience it, but it's not the only way. And it may not be YOUR way. The important thing is, do you want this person in your life? Beyond the level of friendship/acquaintance? For the foreseeable future? That's what matters, not whether it fits some conventional notion of how such a person should make you feel.

Maybe it's simply that you have the sense, counter to the standard construct of love (but not many real-life experiences of it), that there ISN'T just one person for each of us; rather, there are a range of individuals with whom we could have that LTR bond. They don't have to be "the only one in the WORLD!!!", you know? They just have to be the one you choose... and who chooses you :)