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[–][deleted] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I just want a casual place where LGB people can get together, talk, ask for advice, and share anything LGB-related. I don't mind the occasional rant about TQ+ as long as the rest of the sub isn't what you can expect from s/LGBDropTheT.

I worry about this place not being removed from s/all. The majority of Saidit seems homophobic, and if our offsite stalkers got wind of this place not having firm definitions of lesbian, gay, and bisexual I doubt they would hesitate in brigading s/LGB. We still get the occasional troll on s/Lesbians so please consider how we're all still vulnerable on Saidit.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

We get the occasional troll over at LGBDTT too, and I've been a whole-hearted supporter of you all at s/Lesbians since before your new sub was even formed, so I'm with ya!

I'm not overly concerned about the rest of SaidIt, honestly. Some people here may be crass, crude, or downright offensive ... but I'd rather they be allowed to speak and me be allowed to have a discussion with them than to say "you don't get a voice at all because you're different". If I find I'm always disagreeing with people, then I'm in the wrong sub. And that's on me, not them.

I found this site when Reddit banned s/WatchPeopleDie a few years ago, and that was after was formed, and Voat is infamous at this point for being "right wing nazis". Every time Reddit does a purge of "wrong think", users need to find a new place to go, and lets be honest ... Reddit has purged a great deal since 2016 and 2017.

Homophobes, anti-semites, right-wing, but most importantly ... "bad for our image to advertisers and the media". Hell, they even purged GenderCritical, who are leftist radical feminists.

There are always going to be conflicting opinions and people of different beliefs on any site. We can either allow them to have discussions on our sub (and stay on s/all) or we can remove them (and remove ourselves from s/all).

We don't really get a middle-of-the-road option, and honestly, no mods (or even site Admins) want to deal with that. It makes for ever-increasing rules and work-arounds, and makes subs into dictatorships instead of communities.

As for brigading, that's against the terms of SaidIt, so don't worry ... us mods and the Admins are always on the lookout. Admins actually added a new rule to the site guidelines in the past month or so because they saw astro-turfing occurring. I've seen it with my own eyes, Magnora7 has no qualms about suspending users who exhibit that kind of behavior. It's quite refreshing, "stay in your own lane, douchebag" is actually taken seriously here.

PS - I know I've written a huge long comment already, but I wanted to address what you said specifically here:

I don't mind the occasional rant about TQ+ as long as the rest of the sub isn't what you can expect from s/LGBDropTheT.

My fear is that if we allow it, it WILL overwhelm this sub. The number one reason LGBTTT removes posts is because people are ranting about trans in general, as opposed to focusing on why LGB want to drop the T. I also do not want this to become a clone of LGBBDTT, but I know from experience that it can and will if we don't nip it in the bud early and consistently.