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[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There is much infighting between these societies, presently, historically and many of them are defunct. There's also the benign freemason societies and the subversive ones, Judeo linked ones.

There's a lot more to these secret societies than just, "they're all bad", or "they're all benign." They all have hidden histories, secrets, rituals and traditions.

It's just a matter of reading their histories and actual ritual books to get an idea of what was going on then and now. The Kabbalah is also interwoven in many of the Freemason rituals.


Just search the terms Freemason, Jesuit, Jacobins or anything else you're interested at that website and research their books, histories and rituals.

What was common knowledge hundreds of years ago by all people was a Freemasonic conspiracy. Does it still exist today or has it transformed into another entity or society?