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[–]useless_aether[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (7 children)

the superior general is the #1. he is aka the black pope and he only answers to the pope who is atm bergoglio (another jesuit). the jesuits submit to no authority or law, only to their provincials and ultimately to the superior general. here is a historical list

[–]magnora7 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Interesting thanks. So you're saying Arturo Sosa is the #2 guy and Pope Francis is the #1 guy, right? Or is it like a Dick Cheney / George Bush situation where the #2 guy is actually in control?

[–]useless_aether[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

So you're saying Arturo Sosa is the #2 guy and Pope Francis is the #1 guy, right?


Or is it like a Dick Cheney / George Bush situation where the #2 guy is actually in control?

also yes! i am sure they removed a few popes before, who wouldn't play game. they are the biggest and most powerful order after all.

or just killed them..

[–]magnora7 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Interesting, I guess I'll have to read more about Arturo. Makes sense since Francis is the PR face of the organization, reading speeches and shaking hands and going to conventions, and then the guy behind closed doors most people don't hear about is actually the one mostly organizing and doing stuff. Just like to Cheney/Bush. I could see it.

[–]useless_aether[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the 'american pope' - timothy dolan - plus the provincials are key figures too. bergoglio used to be the provincial for argentina and was involved (indirectly i guess) in torture. search keywords 'bergoglio dirty war'


[–]useless_aether[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 1


/u/useless_aether, your post is full of information and facts, however, it states that the broad generalization that "Hollywood is owned by Jews" is disinformation.

It never exclaims a time period for this statement, so we must conclude that present day Hollywood is also owned and controlled by a Jesuit majority, even though the reddit post talks only about early to mid 20th century history. Does Arturo Sosa, an anti-Christian Marxist have stock in Hollywood?

The CIA directors, many graduating Jesuit funded universities have stock in funding films that are pro-CIA.

In one post of mine, I illuatrate that the Jewish Zionist, multi-millionaire Ellison family, worked hand-in-hand with the CIA, not only to make the CIA look like a badass organization but also to whitewash Israel's involvement in the Iraq War. The Ellison girl, who also obtained her daddies Oracle corporations money to set up her own Hollywood production company which produces many films that push the marxist ideology, are nevertheless, Jewish Zionists. Which proves, that there are all different kinds of people, who have many contradicting beliefs. Who would have thought!

Shawn Willcock wrote a book, 'Jesuits in Hollywood.'

I have it linked here:

^ ^ ^ Free to read.

Though I do not agree with all of Willcock's beliefs, his book is well worth the read.

Instead of claiming that the "Jews run Hollywood' is disinformation, and not further building up on that thesis, the post thus cherrypicks early 20th century information to conclude that it is the Jesuits who presently own Hollywood, which I believe it is covertly trying ti convey. Willcock's book, rather than focusing on early to mid 20th century Hollywood, focuses on the struggles between the Jesuits and Jews throughout Hollywood's history. Many times, Jews and Catholics worked together, specifically when their interests molded into one, but often this was not the case.

Throughout Hollywood’s history there have been two sinister and very powerful forces at work, seeking to harness the immense influence of the movies for their own purposes:

  • the Roman Catholic institution

  • liberal and Marxist forces

....the latter specifically connected to powerful Jewish interests.

As has been shown in this book, Roman Catholicism exerted the greatest influence over Hollywood, and indeed over its many Jewish movers and shakers who champed at the bit and ground their teeth in frustration but could do little to change the situation, throughout the period that is often called Hollywood’s “Golden Age”.

But... over time, for reasons given in this book, Roman Catholic influence over Hollywood declined, and then it was that liberal and Communist Jewish influence, suppressed for so long by Romanism and mostly overtly hostile to Romanism was able to take its revenge.

If early 20th century Catholicism had been against marxist forces, and indeed, these Vatican controlled films propagandized the traditional religious belief of Catholicism based on what they deemed were moral codes, but with the notion that Catholicism must never be criticized, one must then be able to ask the question, now that there reign has observably decreased, who in present day has control over Hollywood? Is it the likes of Arturo Sosa, and the Jesuit Black Pope? Considering Sosa's ideologies, one of a marxist, some say ardent communist, parallels the marxist tendencies of present day Hollywood, he could thusly, be the answer to this question, no?

And it is these so-called liberal and Marxist forces which are at present ascendant, indeed dominant, in the lm industry.

Now, this so-called Jews own Hollywood disinformation, is rather hard to accept, considering they do not hide their agenda. However, Jews encompasses the entire Jewish diaspora and all of its beliefs, sects, secular leanings and theologies.we must conclude, then that this is disinformation, because it cannot be every Jews in the diaspora. Indeed, it makes no sense!

In the June 1, 2011 internet edition of the Hollywood Reporter, TV executives admitted in taped interviews that Hollywood was pushing a liberal or progressive agenda. And we know, that Zionists are often right-wing, and certainly would not want to push marxism, but we cannot let them off the hook, just as we cannot the Jesuits.

For example, Susan Harris, the creator of such TV programmes as Soap and The Golden Girls, was quoted as saying that Conservatives are “idiots” with “medieval minds”.

[–]Jesus 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Part 2

She also said:

At least, you know, we put Obama in office, and so people, I think, are getting – have gotten – a little bit smarter.”

Marta Kauffman, said that casting Candice Gingrich-Jones as a minister who married two lesbians was a “[expletive deleted]-you to the right wing.”

A fuck you to the right wing. Meaning, clearly left-leaning, bot right-leaning marxist forces are at play here.

She said that in particular, she liked the minister’s line:

“Nothing makes God happier than when two people, any two people, come together in love.”

[What is however becoming more common in Hollywood films is the promotion of pedophilia, debauchery, decadence and mass consumerism, of that there is no doubt. We can also observe films by Hallmark, owned by reformed Zionists, such as the '10th Kingdom' (2000), which features a scene where a giant steps through NYC, bizarrely, in the wide angle frame of the city, the only buildings to implode from the giant's shockwave are the twin towers, and, more importantly, of all buildings, WTC7! Clearly, someone at Hallmark was in the know. Other films, such as those produced by Arnon Milchan (Israeli Zionist who stole nuclear triggers for Israeli intelligence) and the so-called conservative Zionist Rupert Murdoch both of whom produced and directed films blatantly simulating the 9/11 events before they happened; such films as 'The Lone Gunmen' and 'Madusa's Touch.' Even more bizarre is that one of the only freelance journalists that researches this aspect of the 9/11 false flag atrocity, Christopher Bollyn, has direct ties to the Rupert Murdoch family; skiing with them and hanging out with them on numerous occasions before 9/11. How bizarre indeed! Michael Collins Piper, now deceased, hired an private investigator to conduct an inquiry which discovered that Bollyn had high-up connections to people that made it too dangerous to continue investigate. Controlling the opposition indeed.]

So, we understand it ther there are many ideologues within Hollywood, but it appears the conservative view is stifled and shunned.

Although liberal/leftist, secular humanist, and marxist persons (Jesuits? or Jews?) have used Hollywood as a powerful tool in bringing about the destruction of the West’s morals, undermining Conservative and Christian principals, they seek not to expose themselves for fear of backlash.

Just how successful they were was shown in 2008 by the results of a poll conducted by

The Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL), in 2008 (present Hollywood) conducted a poll [I would assume that asking Americans if Jesuits own today's Hollywood, the percentage would be even less.] :

  • 22% of Americans believed that Jews (in any capacity) controlled Hollywood and big media.

  • A similar 1964 poll discovered that 50% of Americans believed this.

Quoted from a review of Shawn Willcock's book, we read:

When the results of the ADL poll were released, at least one Jewish-American journalist was both shocked and upset about the ignorance of Americans on this matter! In a column in the Los Angeles Times entitled:

“How Jewish is Hollywood?”

Joel Stein, a Jew wrote:

“I have never been so upset by a poll in my life. Only 22 percent of Americans now believe ‘the movie and television industries are pretty much run by Jews,’ down from nearly 50 percent in 1964. The Anti-Defamation League, which released the poll results last month, sees in these numbers a victory against stereotyping. Actually, it just shows how dumb America has gotten: Jews totally run Hollywood."

He listed Jewish media heads, including: News Corp. president Peter Chernin; Paramount Pictures chairman Brad Grey; Walt Disney Company chief executive Robert Igor; Sony Pictures chairman Michael Lyndon; Warner Brothers chairman Barry Meyer; CBS Corp. chief executive Leslie Moonves; MGM chairman Harry Sloan; and NBC-Universal chief executive Jeff Zucker.

Stein went on:

“The Jews are so dominant I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions of entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible achievement, all of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC president Charles Collier, turned out to be Jewish.”

Stein believed that more Americans, not fewer, should know that Jews control the media. He concluded:

“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street, or the government. I just care that we get to keep running them.”

Stein was proud of the Jewish control of Hollywood and wanted the world to know it.

Now does the mean all Jews, i.e., those Jews who are more conservative and principled than Stein and her posse; does that mean these Jews somehow support Marxism? Of course not. Which then illustrates that, an ideologue of specific Jews suits the answer better, and allegedly Jesuits, if one is able to show me present day evidence that, they, indeed control Hollywood, and are situated in the positions to create and control the outcomes, scripts and general meaning of films. Evidence, laid out here would be a good start!

Jesuits simply agreeing with Humanism, Futurism, or admitting to being Marxists, is not proof of their outright control of Hollywood. A parallelism in thought or acceptance of Hollywood's motifs, is not proof to conclude dominance in the control of its institution. Just as we cannot conclude, based on a people alone, that the whole Jewish diaspora, the Jew controls Hollywood. For what you reasoned in another post /u/useless_aether :

Jews are not a monolith.

Nevertheless, Stein's published articles could not have been pleasing to the Jewish diaspora, understanding that many Jews are against the agendas of Hollywood.

The Jew, Stein concluded that:

Yes, Jews control Hollywood.

**But note: In my statements the Jewish people, as a people group, do not control Hollywood. Who is this Stein, and why would he want to conflate all Jews, even the staunchly Orthodox sects with the conglomerate of a thousand or so marxist Jews? It appears this Stein, is thusly using his hereditary belief of the Jew. Many ultra-Orthodox Jews believing that a non-religious Jew is not really a Jew, some of them denouncing the hereditary notion, would see it that Stein does not represent their belief or Judaism.

Vast numbers of Jews would not identify with the liberal, secular humanist, Marxist agenda being shoved down the world’s throats via Hollywood movies.

Willcock, thusly concludes in his book that:

In saying “Jews control Hollywood”, we are saying that certain powerful Jewish liberals, secular humanists and Marxists control the industry. And it is these powerful men who are using the medium of film to deliberately push their diabolical agenda.

[As for the CIA funded films, yeah, there are a lot of them too, the directors are handed the scripts by the CIA to create the right perception management campaign needed to bolster false patriotism and war propaganda.]