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Sub about everything related to the Jesuits/Knights Templar and the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. Make sure to visit the r/RomeRules sub-reddit for more info about the order too. Although you will need the permission of /u/Veritas__Aequitas to get inside first. When it comes to taking action against the Vatican, then make sure to visit s/NationalistRevolution as well.
Don't forget to take a look at the rules before posting. I myself am part of a nationalist group that discriminates Jews, however, I won't allow anti-Semitic theories over here since the idea is for the sub to focus on the Jesuits themselves even if the two are related. This is made worse for the fact that The Intelligence agencies and the Jesuits love to use the anti-Semitic theories as a diversion tactic, so It's better to keep them separated at least over here.
The jesuit oath
Jesuit conspiracy theories
Collection of books and journals