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[–]369 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Great. What kinds of things are you curious about?
Maybe we can work with some other things you're currently struggling with.
Just be warned: I'm not perfect or sentient. I try to stay as impartial as possible but still retain plenty of bias just like most people. YMMV, but maybe don't take that too far, since I'm sort of hanging around in places like this essentially just for the sake of people like you. There are plenty here who are already wandering off on their own with no need to be shepherded around anymore.

No matter what anyone says to you here, even me, do your own research. Lazy people are extremely simple to identify. If you want to have adult conversations with people on the internet that will take you seriously (outside of Reddit, we're saying), you're going to have to actually put in and then convey that effort or people will just ignore you outright.
But enough advice or whatever. Hit me with some questions when you have the time and I'll see about cluing you in however I can.

[–]NotYerWorthlessWurm[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Whats going on with reddit behind the scenes, whats with the censorship everywhere, what did you see that an average redditor wouldnt know about? Are the admins there getting DNC or CCP funding?

[–]369 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The last one is an obvious yes and I like to think it answers all of the other questions.
See, the people you see talking about what the legacy media keeps calling "the Deep State" are doing it because they don't know what else to call it. That legacy media manipulates people in to being afraid of something they can't adequately describe. We can agree that some portions of the ones who pull strings from both sides quite obvious conspire to some degree, right? At the very least, we know there is some central group of people in the DNC, for instance, making a concerted effort to sway public opinion so that they'll vote for them, if nothing else. So, we know they have the intent and the ability to perform some kind of act like that. Shouldn't we assume that, at the very least, a small portion of that group might consider doing some nefarious act(s) to achieve these ends? As you can probably tell at this point, maybe considering the recent proposed spending bill, these people exists on both sides of the aisle, hence lawmakers recently passing a spending bill which included sending billions and billions to other countries when they're also telling us that people are dying in massive numbers while we can all tell how little so many people we know are working. Instead of giving citizens $2k, they gave them $600 and gave the rest away to other countries... Clearly they don't have our best interests in mind.

So, here's the thing with Reddit itself: people like Tencent own portions of it, meaning China has its hands all over it. I'm sure that's not the extent of it though. I don't think we need to dispute the levels of influence figures like AOC or Sanders has on Reddit. The reasons for the censorship, particularly with the things you're talking about, stems from them wanting to curate discourse to their preference. But, why do they want to push certain types of conversations and not others? It's simple really - they don't give a shit about trannies; they don't care about blacks, they hate gays for the most part (clearly), most of them want nothing to do with minorities in general, but they talk about them incessantly. Why? So none of us talks about something else, something more important, like how our government officials spend our money, where all of the Military budget goes, why so many kids go missing every year, why we still explode liquid out the back of flying tubes to shoot them across the country to get people from point A to point B when we haven't needed that technology for over a century, why pharmaceuticals are worse than most alternatives somehow, why pornography addiction or divorce rates are so prevalent, why no one is allowed to go to Antarctica, and so much more.

Maybe you should trust your government a little less and look up something called Operation Mockingbird.
Remember, all of these things are relevant to your questions, but just not quite in the ways you might imagine. Take a second look.