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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I understand why reddit is bowing to the idiot trans activism crowd. $$$$$. But replacing mods and doing massive bans from a sub discussing polycystic OVARIAN syndrome for not validating trans women?? The fuck?

Biological men with gender dysphoria or fetishes that make them "feel" like women still dont have ovaries. Trans men might still have ovaries and I saw them post from time to time, but they're not the one who threw a shit fit.

I just cannot fathom how reddit admins saw a subreddit about a disease that affects OVARIES and were like "Yeah u right that is transphobic because it doesn't include trans women, a group of individuals who have exactly 0 ovaries." I'm eagerly awaiting the day all the dick related subreddits get banned for discussing male anatomy and talking about men. Should happen any day now, since surely the screeching TRAs and reddit admins will understand how transphobic it is for men to talk about dick related medical conditions without first acknowledging that some women have female penises and some men have male vaginas and everyone is welcome to comment and redirect the conversation to be about their vaginal issues. /s