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[–]mharmless 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

"The right side of History" is a phrase spoken by deluded leftists with no sense of scale or scope. The vast majority of all humans who have ever lived have lived in far worse conditions than anybody on this planet experiences today. The fact you focus on ladydicks instead of say, capitalism, as major forces for human good just speaks to your own insanity.

And on that topic, define woman for me would you? If you're going to include trannies in it, you have to avoid biology and instead focus on behaviors and appearance. Your insane ideology sets us back to the fucking fifties, where a woman is expected to behave and dress a certain way in order to be 'womanly'. A woman is defined by the absence of a Y chromosome, and there is no treatment in the universe that can make a man into a woman or vice versa. This immutable biological truth is the basis of sex-based protections for women, and the fact you can't realize that you are actively harming women by promoting the needs of mentally ill men ahead of them is yet another strike against your sanity. Putting on makeup and a dress does not make a person a woman, women are not defined by that, you sexist fucker.

It is more important to you to parrot your tribe than it is to protect women. You disgust me.