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[–]Whoscapes 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thanks and I feel the same way. I love reading all kinds of ideological books and ideas because it helps me figure out what I think by seeing what I oppose. Even with GC stuff as a dude I would sometimes flick through the sub to know the terminology just because I find it interesting - if it matters to other people then it probably has something worth at least glancing over.

I have two older sisters who I love dearly so I always found it a bit stinging seeing unfairly negative sentiment towards guys on fem subs but I get it's mostly blowing off steam or the consequence of bad experiences. Lord knows there are male spaces which do it as bad and worse, especially in pornographic context which is just disturbing.