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[–]binaryblob 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You should learn to articulate your ideas better and you should understand that I am not merely a "developer". You still have not provided an equation for what is required to happen before a locally running LLM is going to crush Google Search + a big tech implementation of LLMs. Let's say all uses of Google Search are done by LLM agents, then do you not think Google will simply start charging for API access? So, whoever implements an LLM still needs an API for rank based search, if alone to be able to verify sources.

I think you are literally incapable of providing a multi-agent differential equation describing the economics surrounding LLMs.

If you want to do another attempt, you should just assume that I am much smarter than you will have be or have been in your life and have more experience. Just describe an actual vision of the future (also specify how many years in the future you are describing) based on actual plausible physics.