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[–]QuantumLegion 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

WTF do women have to do with it? Most censorship happy people I know are pearl clutching men. Usually gay.

[–]Alienhunter 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Less "women" and more feminine attitudes supplanting most activity on the internet as time goes on. This isn't a dig at women, plenty are normal and don't act like the pearl clutchers, one area where trans ideology has some minor value, different personality types aren't necessarily tied to sex, feminine and masculine are just shorthand to describe a group of behaviors more typically associated with men and those more typically associated with women, individuals can show any personality type regardless.

In the past the internet was dominated more by masculine personality types as those people would show more interest in the technology as they are more interested in "things" over "people".

Once the tech goes mainstream and becomes "noob friendly" bunch of feminine types get on it and slowly dominate all online activity on social media message boards and the like, just because they tend to be more social and post more often. It's a tragedy of the commons but in a different way than normal. The whole point of the internet as an anonymous forum was to say the shit you couldn't say irl for normal reasons. But some random stranger saying something mean makes someone who shouldn't be exposing themselves to the raw unadulterated bile of the hivemind cry, so instead of telling that person to log the fuck off and go touch grass, you shut up the hive mind and only let people say nice things. Which just ruins the point of the anonymous forum so anyone with anything interesting to say will leave, and probably just go back to public forums where they are more restricted in some ways, but less in others since it's much harder to ban people IRL.