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[–]No1stupid[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I would love to call them out, but a fellowcel on this forum recently pointed out that not taking on a simp role around women can have disastrous results.

I will be perceived as unnecessarily cruel for calling a foid out on her bullshit, since most men never do. I could lose my job if a foid chose to complain to management, since male managers view them as cute little angels, and female managers will back them up because “girl power”, and the “Us girls have got to stick together, right?” mentality.

I have seen a mentally-handicapped kid get fired at a grocery store I used to work at because multiple women came forward and said he “made them uncomfortable”, simply because he was socially awkward and couldn’t hold a conversation. He was never violent towards anyone, and was also very nice, but they eliminated him from the herd because his conversation skills didn’t please them. This is evidence enough that women hold more power over us than we would like to admit.

[–]Administrative_worth 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Women run society. They're the judges who decide hwo has a nice time and who doesn't. It was actually me who pointed out the dangerous consequences of not ismping. That being said, low inhibing doesn't mean you just stop playing the game. It means finding every opportunity to rise above the game. It means throwing out backhanded remarks, eroding their body confiednece lsowly. And delighting in it. Low inhibing doesn't mean going crazy. It means having fun in the world. ALso educate yourself on workplace laws. Now if I ever get a complaint, or whatever, I just acuse them of workplace bullying. Which it is. Those accusations are serious, and if they fire you, and you took it higher up, you can get a serious payday.