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[–]Xas 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Is female nature gonna change all of a sudden? No. Are the consequences of female nature going to change all of a sudden? No. Are we lied constantly in the mainstream media again and again? why yes.

Given that 80% of men are viewed as below average, and most of the bottom 50% will likely be unable to pass on their genes, they won't suddenly disappear. And discussing female nature, the blackpill, will make sense of too many things in their lives.

Men are told looks don't matter, work on personality, go to the gym, etc. There are deep reasons why this or that girl, or multiple turned you down repeatedly. But the reality of chads, that most girls will accept chad, many even an abusive chad, or be looking forward to chad even if they somehow give you the time of day, does not change.

Chad approaches, and it is very likely he will be accepted, even if in a relationship there's a good chance they'll lie and say they don't have a boyfriend, say they have but doesn't matter, or maybe even look for ways to end their relation with their boyfriend(hypergamy).

As chad has high probability of success with most women, an incel approaching a woman looking for a partner, is extremely likely to be turned down not just by one woman looking for a partner, but to be turned down by practically all women looking for a partner.

Ugly men into game, if they've not been jailed for being creeps, will try to approach thousands of women to try and get them to pity embrace them with manipulation techniques.

Give it time and this community will grow.

But don't expect change, men rights activists have failed time and again. It is unlikely incels will fare much better. As for laws women are the majority of the voting population and the laws will only get worse for men.