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[–]TwerKing 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Largely a western problem as the usa being the main suspect. A doable thing you could do to avoid that shit is to leave most of the west with the exceptions of a few based western countries which likely will never implement those tyrannical instruments to lord over the regular population but this suggestion is only for anybody who does not want to completely leave the west, because they can't for whatever reason. The countries of austria, serbia, belarus, and hungary are nice examples to what I'm talking about. Although 2/4 of them belong to a western organization such as the eu, their past actions of generally rejecting neoliberal ideals and rather opt at embracing their national sovereignty, demonstrates that they have a high level of autonomy and could rebel against policies made to undermine the golden east.

For goldens who can leave the west and really don't want to take any chances so they could be out of harm's way as much possible, just in case the european countries I brought up still somehow becomes completely overtaken by the clutches of the western ruling class, it's better to move back in asia. This includes russia. I include russia being a part of asia because most of russian territory is in asia, russians are geopolitically golden, and the russian soul is basically golden. Alternatively, based goldens can also move to latin america and build further ties between latin americans that are anti-western (a great majority of them are truly anti-western) and goldens back in the far east.