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[–]GoldenDynasty[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This is what happens when a group is passive and doesn't do something to take over the voice of narrative from people that wish nothing but hatred for them (Lus, chans, infiltrators). One guy in saidit asked me what the solution to this is. The solution is to do the same as other groups and be very aware of who exactly is running the narratives when it comes to their communities. For example, mod team of a sub, or board members of a charity, writers of a supposedly "asian" movie. Be very critical of self haters and infiltrators and do not allow them to be the voice of asians or to lead asian issues or groups. Work towards getting real Pro Asians to do it instead.

Why are Asian issues in the west treated as a joke and not black or muslim issues for example? For that very same reason. The black community has shown that they are very good at supporting their own and that there are consequences when it comes to being racist against them. Everyone always talks about and praises Martin Luther King or Malcom X. Not many know that they were extremely unpopular during their times when they were doing their activism, especially the so called pinkoid liberals. This is because they were fighting for a cause which would've harmed their own pinkoid self interests. It was only after they died that these very same hypocritical liberal cunts pretend to respect them. Likewise, golden activism will not be popular at the start and many others will feel uncomfortable and even turn to hate crimes when they see that Asians are truly trying to bring awareness about Asian issues in a way that actually brings REAL results. This is because it will also negatively affect their own self interests and their own mental images of Asians as the bottom of a racist totem pole.

Instead of crying about another x deranged Lu with barely any followers or grasping at straws for any Lu/Chan/Rang that says anything remotely even Pro Asian, why not support REAL AW that are actually proud of Asians and are in AMAF? There's plenty of examples if you search for the amaf flair on esr. The only thing crying about those lusers does is giving them more attention and followers and sympathy from racists who will portray you as incels which just further incentivizes them to continue their behavior. And honestly no one outside of Asian spaces even knows or gives a fuck about them such as Constance. Start thinking about what type of actions you are encouraging when you do what you are doing and everything will start making more sense. If we give all the support and attention to proud AWs or XFs instead and give none towards self haters then what will happen to the Asian community? Cause and effect.

Asian diaspora, specifically Asian americans today are just content making self hating jokes all day, or just being completely passive and thinking have a good education and career and maybe running away from their problems by going back to asia will solve everything. Well guess what? Even if you go back to Asia the problems wont go away, other groups will also come to Asia and lobby to make the countries serve their own interests (which is already happening as we speak) and not yours (since they've practiced doing it many times they will be more effective than groups that dont) and you'll be back to the same problem. For example I see alot of pro blm, pro white sexpat, bmaf content being spread to Native Asians these days, as well as going half way across the planet to frame Native Asians as the "most racist people in the world" and making them apologize and feel guilty for this false claim. What did running away do?

Also remember, success in life is never about keeping your head down and following all the rules. When it comes to power play between different groups there is a lot of machiavellism involved behind the scenes. Im not saying that you need to be an asshole or anything but just understand that life doesn't always work the same way your families may preach

Always work towards promoting easea interests first above all else. Respect is earned not given.