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[–]FlippyKing 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

So, if x is y depends on on how you define y, not x. That is not the same thing as saying x is the same as y, if "same" is taken to mean for some specific set of purposes-- but that would be speaking conversationally or at least imprecisely.

To ask this question, if a surgical imitation of a penis is a penis, is to ignore the obvious differences we all know to be true. The first difference is that one is created just as part of how a human is born and the other is not. Surgeons do not make penises. Is a cow made by a carpenter a cow? No. Carpenters do not make cows. Differences with regard to how it functions and if certain uses of it can or can't risk getting a woman pregnant are in fact differences. No amount of "but what ifs" about some stupid future of trans-humanism where a corporation can let a very rich, and very obviously spoiled, and even more obviously neglected, female child produce sperm changes the differences now or ever. The question, and any question like this, is either gaslighting, or asked by someone who is either choosing to be stupid, or too young to get it.