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[–]Apis 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In my years posting articles on Reddit, I often posted articles I disagreed with because they were relevant and had new information or a different perspective on a topic, and upvoted for the same reason. And a lot of people either dont read the articles or only skim them. When there had been a lot of news in the old gendercritical subreddit at a time and I was too busy to read all the articles, I would skim the atricles and vote without commenting or make short comments in reply to general ideas in other people's comments.

And when concerned a child might be put onto the gender medicine treadmill, even someone who supports gnc can feel relief if their child changes in a way that makes them less of a target. Very gnc myself, I would feel conflicted if a young relative was as gnc as me because she would be at such high risk. I would try to be very supportive and educate her that being a girl is just biology and that her behaviors and interests are completely compatible with being female, but I know how strong peer influences are and would be somewhat relieved to see her embrace a more feminine style, hoping transition would be less appealing to her now. She wouldn't be immune of course. But the risk would be lower.

Similarly, when I used to see another gnc woman, I felt a sense of commaraderie, a positive recognition. Now, I feel stomach churning because there is a good chance she wants me to call her he or they and assumes by my appearance that I will not only enthusiastically play along but typically assume I have the same preference and call me they unless I say otherwise or outright ask for my pronouns. And the sane ones are usually timid and call me they or avoid pronouns until I tell them it's okay, unless we are at a sci fi confention I prefer to speak reality-based language. I used to expect to catch hell for that from the gendertologists but half the time they dont seem to get what I'm referring to.