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[–]SnowAssMan[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I read somewhere that people find more than 3 examples to be untrustworthy & difficult to digest/remember. So I prefer using fewer, straight-forward, strong examples. I have re-written most of it to be more focused & more attractive to the more JKR-minded reader. What do you think(?):

The Transgender Debate On Female-Only Terms & Spaces is Over.

J.K. Rowling said women are in danger of rape & murder by men, including men who want to be the opposite sex. Men who want to be the opposite sex responded by sending her rape & death threats, thereby proving her point & ending the debate once & for all, in an own goal.

J.K. Rowling wouldn’t be married to a man if she believed that all men are predators. Like most people, she just recognises that female-only prisons, shelters & sports need to remain female-only in order to remain safe.

• Male sex-offenders have been assaulting female prisoners ever since they’ve been allowed in women’s prisons.

• Male athletes have been breaking women’s records & skulls ever since they’ve been allowed to compete against female athletes.

Protecting trans-identified males from human rights violations, like wrongful eviction & redundancy, doesn’t require them to be legally recognised as women. Making female-only terms & spaces male-inclusive is not a right, it’s male-entitlement. Male-only terms & spaces are already male-inclusive.

A person’s biological sex may be irrelevant 99% of the time, but female-only spaces are that 1% exception.

Trans-identified males only have trivial reasons for using female-only terms & spaces, but their movement is willing to tell any lie in order to pressure you into complying with its demands. So don’t be taken in by the manipulative “think of the suicidal trans kids” hype, because it’s all a myth.

• According to EVERY study on desistance, childhood gender dysphoria is temporary & an indication of latent homosexuality, not trans identity.

• The detransition rate is higher than the suicide rate, which is under 1%.

• Trans-identified murderers outnumber trans-identified murder victims (which have been <1 annually, in the UK; none motivated by transmisandry).

• According to a meta-analysis, the sexed brain of trans-identified males is almost identically to any other male’s, making “binary transgender identity” impossible, & even “non-binary identity” a stretch. Even gay men’s brains share some similarities with women’s, so if gay men are 100% male, then so are trans-identified males.

Even the scientific literature on the subject, like the DSM-V, describes trans-assigned males as men & never as women. There is a gaping chasm of difference between scientific consensus & trans activist claims. There isn’t a single science excerpt that even implies that an adult human male could ever be a woman.

The unsubstantiated claim that trans-identified males are women, is not only unnecessary for the pursuit of their basic human rights, & compromising of women’s rights, it’s also pseudoscientific.

The debate is over. “Trans-woman” is a euphemism for “male woman”. There is no such thing as a “male woman”, therefore there is no such thing as a “trans-woman”, only a trans-identified male. A trans-identified male wants to be female & pretends to be female, but he will never amount to being female. ‘Woman’, ‘girl’ & ‘female’ are female-only terms. Women’s prisons, sports & shelters are female-only spaces. Language & law are not playgrounds for men’s gender-swap role-play.

Remember, it costs trans-identified males literally NOTHING to continue using the male-only terms & spaces that they used before they identified as trans. Femboys manage it just fine. Any movement conspiring to make female-only terms & spaces unisex, is an anti-woman hate group that prioritises male role-play over female safety.

Pass it on.