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[–]terf41percentjanny 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Do you honestly think that the left really gives two shits about actual women to begin with? I mean really when people say capitalism like its a dirty word, it makes it seem like the fact I got out myself out of poverty through hard work a bad thing. Sure yes some companies can profit off war, but at the end of the day thats what companies do make a profit. Granted capitalism isn't fucking perfect, no system is, but I'd sooner take capitalism then what the left has been proposing for years. While the republicans cling on to a dream that will never come back to fruition, the left only cares about problems so long as it gives them political power; why do you think we have tims being allowed to be housed in female prisons in the first place? the left, why were violent males larping as female automatically released into the public despite proving how fucking violent they are on video? the left. if the lefts wants it they can fucking burn your house, destroy your crops, and fuck your wife, and you can't do shit because its only property. yes you may work for years for such property, save up, but have it destroyed. the point I don't care if one side offers imperialism through capitalism, currently the other alternatives as so fucking bad for women, that I am willing overlook shortcomings for I perceive to best outcome. Left wants to take my guns, right wants me to keep them, left wants to put men in women's only spaces, right thinks that's absurd, left wants to censor my speech, right is pissed off at facebook/twitter/ etc. for censorship. you get what am saying here? I don't think leftist thinking works anymore, atleast for womens rights, in the usa.

[–]BiologyIsReal 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Democrats are not anticapitalists, but they are pro-capitalists. The only reason why Democrats are considered left is because in the US there are only two parties that matter, but they would be considered right-wing in several other countries. Democrats are also as much a bunch of imperialist warmongers as the Republicans. If anyone think this is a overstatement, tell me when the last time an American goverment of either party was not involved in starting a new war or continuing an old one, or helping to overthrough a foreign goeverment they didn't like. Joe Biden is withdrawing from Afghanistan now; he also voted for both the Afghanistan and the Irak war at the early 2000's.

[–]terf41percentjanny 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't even take anyone who says ant/pro capitalist seriously, normally because the people I hear it from irl are the type that never had to to struggle as a poor person. the ones not to be seriously effected by the hierarchy of needs; yes countries go to war over resources, but muirica isn't any worse than any other of the countries that have done this shit. I sure as hell am happy that not I am living in a country that allows me to own guns, have some free speech, and not be sold or traded for camels. so what if america wants to go full imperialist? china is trying to get a piece, russia we dont know other than spying. America isn't the only country to exist to war over resources, and it probably won't be the last. if I remember correctly the uk was oil happy way before 9/11, like a century before. the uk at one point had the biggest imperial reputation, but some how america lmao decided to use 9/11 as an excuse wage war, make it imperial war mongering?

[–]BiologyIsReal 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, the US is not the only country with imperialist interest nowadays and, of course, there were plenty of other empires through history. Though, I don't know why you're bringing this up since, first, I never said the US was the only warmongering state and, second, saying "other guys did/do those awful things, too, you know?" is a very weak defense. I'm not surprised you don't care whatever the US do abroad. Why should you? Americans can sleep well at night certain that they would never have to worry over a more powerful country invading them, overthrowing their goverment or subjecting them to an economic blockade. The few countries that could fight in equal terms against the US are not interested to risk a nuclear war and, thus, prefer indirect ways of fighting.

I don't know why you think American imperialism started after 9/11. Nope, the US have got imperialistic tendencies from the very beggining. They have been involved in multiple wars since their country creation and it had been a long while since the last time a war was fought in American soil. They also have been interfered in other countries' affairs for a long while. They also have a lot of militar bases abroad. The US justify their many wars saying they're bringing democracy and freedom to the people while they have supported many authoritarian regimens and overthrowed several democratic goverments they didn't like. The US talks about human rights when they themselves have commited many human right violations.

American imperialism

List of wars involving the United States

List of United States military bases

United States war crimes

Foreign interventions by the United States

United States involvement in regime change

United States involvement in regime change in Latin America

Operation Condor

United States and state-sponsored terrorism

Human rights violations by the CIA