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[–]BEB[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Almost every poll done on gender politics and ideology by mainstream sources seems written to confuse respondents so much that they answer in agreement with gender ideology when they most probably are not.

Then the media outlet/pollster highlights the poll as if it actually indicates that most people are in agreement with gender ideology, which then gets accepted as The Truth.

Like you said, if you asked people straightforward questions about the reality of gender ideology most, including "progressives" would disagree with it. But that's not going to happen because, in the US, the mainstream and Left media is in cahoots with the gender lobby.

I haven't listened to Herzog/Singals' podcast episodes on this topic, but from what I've seen and read, including Herzog's own twitter, her treatment of Graham Linehan reminded me of Mean Girls in high school, and Linehan certainly doesn't deserve that.

I used to like both Singal and Herzog, but now I don't. I don't think that they're terrible people or anything close, just that they act as if they're in their mid-20s instead of mid or late 30s - there's a certain palpable immaturity.

And I wouldn't call them journalists - Singal is better than Herzog, but I still don't think either come close to the ethical standards journalists are supposed to have.

Also, and I'm not one to use these terms normally, but there is a certain white, middle-to-upper-middle class, American, privilege about both of them. They don't seem to be able to see the world from a different perspective.

Herzog seems to think that all women have had the same or similar life circumstances as she has had, which would be relatively lucky. She doesn't seem to get that other women are in, and have grown up in, terrible situations.

It seems to me to be a lack of empathy, and IMO there's a certain streak of something approaching cruelty and a bullying way about her.

Singal I don't think is as bad; he seems like a basically run-of-the-mill nice-ish guy, but he seems to lack the backbone to consistently stand up to trans activists. It's odd, because he will, and then then he pulls back.

I don't actually blame Singal given how horrible trans activists have been to him - I mean, accusing him of sexual harassment ?!?!?!? But IMO, that's all the more reason Singal should go out arms swinging, reveal all the shit he has on them and tell them to go to hell.

Anyway, it did bug me the way the piled on Graham Linehan - he has achieved more than either of them, and he's given a lot to the fight for women, while they hedge their bets and play hide-and-seek with the truth about gender ideology and radical trans activists.