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[–]Baileyscheesecakes 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The fact that stories like this go unreported in many news outlets is unconscionable and even more egregious is the line that the women are being transphobic.

How do TRAs explain the rapists who suddenly declare themselves women? If, according to their claims, transgender people have always been transgender, then these felons disprove the assertion that transgender people are no threat to women. If they say that these men aren't really transgender, then they commit the heinous crime of doubting someone's identity and have to concede that some men will take advantage of self-id to harm women, which has been our point all along. Maybe one reason these stories are buried is that they demonstrate the gaping holes in TRA logic (an oxymoron)