all 9 comments

[–]LilianH 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (5 children)

The original source of that stat was a report done by a trans rights group in Argentina or Chile and was specifically looking as trans women involved in prostitution who had HIV. The stat was then used in a study in Chile or Peru (my memory is a bit fuzzy over which countries it was) and then it got picked up by Brazilian LGBT groups around 2012 and filtered through to the USA a year or so after that where it became "the truth" and has been used ever source. There is, of course, the possibility that the original report was nonsense as well because it was done by a trans rights group.

[–]our_team_is_winning 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun -  (4 children)

It seems to me most of them don't start their AGP game until they're over 40, so how could they die first?

[–]persistentlywoman 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

the ones who work in sex work are usually out there at a young age. the AGPs are all wealthy and white.

[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It seems to me most of them don't start their AGP game until they're over 40, so how could they die first?

Good point, LOL.

On a more serious note, the key word there is "seems." AGP only appears to start after 40 coz until very recently most men tried hard to keep their paraphilia under wraps, or at least kept it private.

Traditionally, AGP has always started during puberty, usually early in puberty when boys start masturbating. Today, however, some men today might be acquiring AGP in adulthood. In part coz of the plethora of online porn, and in part coz of the radically different sociocultural climate. Whereas in the past being AGP was a source of shame for men, nowadays men are actually praised for having this paraphilia and for openly displaying it in public.

Moreover, today men are actually obtaining more power and privilege for being publicly AGP. Being publicly AGP now also allows men who are boring, sexist, misogynistic and utterly ordinary to obtain new cachet as cool, edgy and cutting-edge - whilst at the same time, publicly "identifying as" TW allows these men to portray themselves (falsely, of course) as the most oppressed people ever and to get away with a whole host of objectionable behavior, from being openly racist and misogynistic to committing sex crimes and behaving as colonizers, like conquistadors in dresses - and as fascists too, aka brownskirts. Finally, nowadays heterosexual men who are openly AGP are centering themselves, and are centered by others, in civil rights movements and communities that previously excluded them - such as feminism and "the LGBTQ."

A reason we've seen so many men over 40 going public with their AGP in recent years is that traditionally boys and men did all they could to hide it, or at least to keep it private. Moreover, for those who choose to indulge their AGP, it's usually a progressive condition that gets worse over time - and as it eventually starts to take over these men's lives, it becomes harder and harder for them to hide it. In addition, for practical reasons a lot of men with AGP have been motivated to keep their proclivities under wraps during the period of life when most men are focused on getting educations, building careers, racking up work accomplishments and pursuing professional goals while also forging romantic/life partnerships and fathering children.

Speaking of which, it's not coincidence that a number of AGP men decide to "come out" with their opposite-sex identity claims and start dressing and behaving as "sexy girls" in public and at home when their own daughters are in adolesence.

[–]our_team_is_winning 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)


Hahaha! I hadn't heard that one. Everything you said scares me. And I know it's totally accurate. So when boys start jerking off as young teens, the AGP thing can be part of it? Well, yeah I have been reading on this forum about boys stealing their sister's clothes. I wonder how many fear they're gay and that's why they try to keep it under wraps? When they're not actually gay at all but have a fetish, trying to become the (female) object of their desire?

Seeing men be praised for this sexual fetish is too much to handle. Watching people go along with it like "yeah, some people are born in the wrong body" and then to assume it's the same as being gay (what an insult) -- I've got to hand it to straight men. They found a way to get the women they victimize to see them (the men) as the true victims here. That is manipulation at the highest level.

[–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You haven't heard of brownskirts coz I personally made it up. I've only used it here and on reddit GC before the ban.

So when boys start jerking off as young teens, the AGP thing can be part of it? Well, yeah I have been reading on this forum about boys stealing their sister's clothes. I wonder how many fear they're gay and that's why they try to keep it under wraps?

Yes, that's always how AGP starts for boys - and often before they're teens coz for both sexes puberty usually starts well before the teens. Male puberty is considered early or precocious only if it starts before a boy turns 9. Lots of kids of both sexes masturbate before puberty too. Boy children commonly get spontaneous erections from an early age (for some, even in the womb), and play with their penises throughout childhood (again, scans have shown males doing it in the womb). For boys

Masturbation becomes goal-driven around age 10. Boys in particular are trying to get to the point of orgasm, and at around 11 or 12, they may start seeking pornographic material. "That's when the Internet becomes a big deal, and parents need to be careful about what kids can access online,"

Sexologists J. Michael Bailey and Ray Blanchard give general description of how AGP starts here:

Autogynephilia is a male’s sexual arousal by the fantasy of being a woman. That is, autogynephilic males are turned on by thinking about themselves as women, or behaving like women. The typical heterosexual adolescent boy has sexual fantasies about attractive girls or women. The autogynephilic adolescent boy’s may also have such fantasies, but in addition he fantasizes that he is an attractive, sexy woman. The most common behavior associated with autogynephilia during adolescence is fetishistic cross dressing. In this behavior, the adolescent male wears female clothing (typically, lingerie) in private, looks at himself in the mirror, and masturbates.

I wonder how many fear they're gay and that's why they try to keep it under wraps?

Since the sexual fantasies and attractions of most males who develop AGP are of, and towards, girls and women, I think most of these boys know they are not gay. But since immature boys often fear anything that could possibly seem "gay" or bi, or anything other than 100% "vanilla" heterosexual, that might be a factor.

However, it should be pointed out that Bailey and Blanchard's description of how AGP starts off given above is too simplistic. My impression is, AGP and its associated masturbatory habits tend to develop in progressive stages, so there's often quite a lag between being aroused by the sight of mum's, sister's, aunt's or grandma's panties, bra, nightgown and pantyhose, and a boy rubbing his penis on those items to get off, to a boy actually donning those items to get off. And there's a lag between a boy doing that last step and progressing to donning female attire and situating himself in front of a mirror so he can watch himself beating off dressed that way. Unfortunately, Bailey and Blanchard's description makes it sound as if adolescent boys who develop AGP engage in full-fledged cross-dressing and jerking off in front mirrors from the get-go. (Although I'm not a sexologist myself, I have spoken to a lot of men about their private thoughts and habits in adolescence and adulthood, I grew up in close company of and surrounded by boys, and I've raised sons and talked to lots of other parents of sons - so I'm not just talking through my hat here.)

My sense is, boys who develop AGP start off with the usual amount of shame that most kids have around masturbating, but this changes when they reach the point clearly imagining themselves as female in their sex fantasies and putting on items of female clothing to masturbate in. At that point, their sense of shame most likely gets compounded and becomes much, much larger and deeper. But my sense is this isn't so much because they fear they might be gay or bi per se, but because they feel and fear their fantasies, behavior and the intense sexual pleasure that they feel as a result mean they are abnormal, weird and deviant.

Of course, the fact that most boys see being a girl or woman itself as inherently shameful and degraded plays a large role as well. My hunch is that boys who develop AGP tend to feel horrified and ashamed when they find themselves fantasizing about being female and wanting to don female intimate attire in the first place - but when they discover that such fantasies and dressing up behaviors sexually arouse them like nothing else in the world arouses them, they become even more horrified and ashamed. And that, IMO, is where a lot of the urge to keep it hidden comes from.

[–]persistentlywoman 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

more bullshit statistics. these bogus claims were what first started to peak me. as an actual woman who has lived with misogyny and sexism from literal birth and everything that comes along with that, I am super fucking tired of woke queer communities virtue signalling that trans people face more violence than ANYONE. it just so obviously isn't true when WOMEN exist in the billions. it is the most bizarre form of gaslighting, especially when it's being done to you by other women, as is usually the case.

[–]BEB 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Democracy Now! US tv/radio news and interview show which calls itself independent media! had on an extra-special piece about the epidemic of violence against transgenders.

Except that there isn't one and Democracy Now! just claimed there was because it receives sweet, sweet Trans, Inc. $$$$

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Transgender is clearly a long term scam of disinformation. Starting with the first step, scamming a fake gender, a man who looks like a woman, the rest is all fake statistics and lies. But why? To make people believe in a lie is perhaps a way to create cognitive dissonance in the population. A population that suffers cognitive dissonance from one scam could be easy to lead into other more involved scams that might otherwise be difficult to believe.