all 27 comments

[–]MarkTwainiac 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

A number of GC radfems and trans people are working together to call out and expel predators from our respective spaces. They don't have any business in either women's spaces, nor in trans community spaces.

In today's era of social media, I can understand how predators can be "called out" - but how exactly do you envision "expelling" them from "women's spaces" without obtaining legal ownership and jurisdiction over said spaces first? And without breaking laws?

Also, what are the "trans community spaces" you mean? I thought trans people didn't have any spaces, that's why TIMs want to barge in on and take over women's spaces and TIFs want in on men's spaces.

Sorry, but before pursuing this idea further I think it might be a good idea to look into what happened with the Committee of Public Safety set up by Robespierre and others "on the right side of history" during the Reign of Terror phase of the French Revolution, as well as what happened when the Bolsheviks, the Red Guards and the Khmer Rouge took over and started calling out and expelling people from their respective political movements and spaces.

Finally, how can women be sure this isn't just another example of "forced teaming" on the part of abusive males pretending to be "good trans" as cover for more TIM entryism and male domination? What would be the advantages for women in joining up with TIMs here?

OP, can you link to the threads about this on Ovarit and reddit, please? Thanks.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

We want to work towards changing the laws, or repealing them. We're trying to get more people involved so we can come up with better solid ideas and plans, so much of our time the past couple weeks has been setting up a space for us to talk where no one can harass us (we have a private server on Zulip). To my knowledge, none of us are legal experts but we want to at least do something, because nothing will happen at all otherwise. We're all just sick of being silenced, too.

"Trans community spaces" mean spaces like support groups for trans people, or any group, meeting, activity or place that's specifically geared/organized for trans people. They're trans-specific spaces like that--plus, the trans community as a whole, I suppose.

I'm not familiar with any of that history, I will read up on it--thank you!

The Ovarit thread was deleted because it wasn't in the right circle, and we all worry it would be deleted again if one of us tried to make it in the o/Activism circle where it would probably belong. I'll post links of the threads that are related to this and what lead up to it though. The threads on reddit were to r/truscum, mostly downvoted. I'll post all of the links though, in chronological order: (main post deleted, most comments deleted)

[–]MarkTwainiac 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Thank you.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

You're welcome! Also, the group decided to go ahead with another Ovarit post, so that just went up

UPDATE: Post was deleted, I was banned for it

[–]BEB 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (11 children)

I have long thought that if the US Equality Act passes, and in US states that have already passed Equality Act-type legislation, we could start a movement that forces businesses, hospitals, etc., to have an escort/ monitor for women frightened to use the facilities because of the possible presence of men.

The monitor/ escort would have to stay with the woman who requested them while the woman used the facilities.

That would drive up the cost of doing business too much, businesses put pressure on governments, and voila, facilities go back to being segregated by sex.

It would take a while but 1) it would protect women 2) it would force corporations to acknowledge that their virtue-signaling policies have real world economic consequences 3) do the same with politicians.

Anyway, I don't know if that's what you're doing but please think about it.

[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

That's a really good idea, and that's definitely the kind of stuff we're talking about. So far, we've been aiming to reverse policies like the US Equality Act and self-ID laws by getting transmeds/truscum to stand up and actively fight back against the mainstream trans community and trans rights activists, fighting from within. We could still keep fighting against the trans rights movement, but we definitely need protective measures until laws and social opinions are changed.

[–]BEB 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Thank you for explaining and for what you're doing!

Once US women realize that they will never be safe leaving the house - that they, their mothers, their daughters all risk being live porn on a simple trip to the gym - there's going to be a lot of scared women.

Feminists (and conservative women too) need to be there to turn women's fear into anger, with a movement that no one can fault - who can fault escorting scared, vulnerable women into a dangerous situation?

I have talked to so many younger women especially who feel that men in their spaces is already a done deal.

We women who are fighters need to scream NO - that we fought for these spaces for our dignity, our privacy, and our safety and if you politicians and corporations take them from us, we will make sure that we let everyone know that you're a bunch of rape-enabling scumbags, but also that we will protect the women, all women, that you politicians, etc., have actively endangered.

So thanks for what you're doing! Onward! I just remember that the Women's March, the largest political demonstration in US history, started very grassroots (or so they claim) - what the Equality Act is going to do to women will unite ALL women, not just Progressives, so let's start all fighting back now.

Women's anger is a thing to behold. If "liberal" government all over the world keep erasing us and taking away all we fought for, they are going to see billions of angry women.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Well thank you for being a part of change for the good and standing up for what you believe in! I'm enjoying our discussion here, and I would love to have your voice in our group discussion--please let me (or post_men_syndrome or queenmo from Ovarit) know if you'd be interested and I'll get you the info! :)

[–]BEB 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am interested. In the next few days, I have to work on raising awareness of the Equality Act, because the FUCKING Democrats are determined to pass it in the House next week, but I will get in touch.

Thanks again for all that you're doing - love that you're taking action!

[–]MarkTwainiac 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

we could start a movement that forces businesses, hospitals, etc., to have an escort/ monitor for women frightened to use the facilities because of the possible presence of men.

It would take a while but 1) it would protect women 2) it would force corporations to acknowledge that their virtue-signaling policies have real world economic consequences 3) do the same with politicians.

How on earth do you envision "forcing" businesses and other enterprises to do this? To my mind, this conjures up memories of what happened when US labor unions turned to organized crime for protection against the Pinkertons... Which didn't turn out so well in the end.

And by "facilities" what do you mean? All "intimate" facilities used by the public or customers, by employees - or both?

Since most businesses serve multiple customers at once and have many employees who might need to use a loo at the same time, a number of monitors would be needed at any one time - and they'd have to work in shifts depending on when the businesses are open and when employees work. On the other hand, it could just mean all restrooms and the other facilities you intend to "make safe" in this way would have live attendants/guards in them at all times.

However, if this scheme were to include prisons, hospitals and nursing homes, an army of guards working 24/7/365 would be required for each and every female inmate, patient and resident.

I can imagine that placing guards in all loos, change rooms, fitting rooms might work - I've been to lots of places in my life where the ladies rooms had attendants, and to stores where customers behavior was policed by "house dicks" (detectives) as well as hovering sales staff pretending to be overly helpful. Still, creating a situation where women would have to to be escorted and monitored would raise privacy concerns in and of itself, as well as charges that it's paternalistic and infantilizing to treat women this way.

To me, such a plan seems totally unworkable. It also would place a disproportionately unfair burden/penalty on small businesses and non-profit enterprises who are the backbone of the US economy. Big corporations might rake in the most profits, but small businesses play a huge role - and they are already in big trouble coz of COVID.

Moreover, sounds like this scheme would leave out institutions like federally funded schools, including residence halls, as well as as a host of government-run institutions like jails, prisons, the military, libraries, parks, recreation centers, courts, city halls, legislatures, the US Capitol, federal and state agencies from passport and food stamp offices to DMVs and so on.

Also, I suspect such a scheme might backfire. I imagine a lot of small businesses might decide to stop providing loos and fitting rooms altogether. Others would say this is the final straw and would just go out of business, as many are already doing for other reasons.

Moreover, I think it's a sure bet that misogynists would use such a scheme to rail against women. They'd ridicule us for "playing the victim" whilst accusing us of behaving like bullies. And they'd say we're man-hating scaredy cats and alarmist fakers in the vein of Chicken Little and the boy who cried wolf.

My own view is that it would be better to work on getting the right to have sex segregated facilities and services enshrined in US law by adopting legislation similar to the UK's Equality Act of 2010 and by getting the issue before SCOTUS. Which would involve such actions as crafting the arguments for why such legislation is necessary and reasonable, drafting the legislation itself and lobbying to get it passed.

[–]BEB 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It would be a grassroots civil rights movement in which individual women would demand an escort on a case-by-case basis, a tiny bit like the US civil rights movement when blacks quietly sat at white-only lunch counters. Each woman would be making a statement (and protecting herself).

Most people are on our side. Most people, even and perhaps especially men, understand that women will be under threat when men are allowed to self-identify into women's spaces.

But many Americans have been cowed by the very effective publicity blitz of Big Gender.

However, if women, one by one, start to quietly protest, I think there will be an Emperor's new clothes effect - each woman who demands an escort emboldens other women, and business owners too, to push back on the truly sinister self-ID laws that have been passed under the radar in many localities, and will be federal law if the Equality Act passes.

So I'm not envisioning anything more than a Rosa Parks moment - each woman quietly standing up for herself, and as more and more women demand that their privacy, their dignity, their safety be restored on an individual level, and as businesses notice because their employee's time is being taken up and time=money, politicians will be forced to restore our safe spaces.

We are fighting for our basic human and civil rights against a tremendous amount of money and power. Big Pharma, Big Gender, Big Tech, possibly Big Trans-Humanism, etc., I don't think traditional methods are going to work, but what we have going for us is other people, including men, so let's alert other people to what is going on by showing them what's at stake on an individual level.

Anyway, I have long averred that each of us should do whatever makes us feel comfortable and whatever we feel will be effective. We have to approach this from many different angles. tl;dr "you do you!"

[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yes, we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

But for the record, what Rosa Parks did was not a matter of a woman "quietly standing up for herself." It was an action that civil rights activists and attorneys carefully thought out and planned, and Parks was picked to be the one to carry it out based on her sex and the suitability of her personality. She was given a lot of training and support beforehand too, and was well aware what would happen every step of the way. Coz the group she worked with anticipated and planned for every possible contingency.

Moreover, the action that Parks undertook did not involve asking or expecting bus drivers, police officers or any other low-level, public-facing workers to do anything special on her behalf. For the tactic to work, those workers only had to do their jobs exactly as they were supposed to. Whereas in the sort of action you propose, individual service workers would be expected to take on additional tasks and to go above and beyond their normal jobs to act on your behalf in concert with you. Which is a very different - and much dicier - scenario that some would say is unfair to the workers involved.

In the lunch counter sit-ins of the early 1960s, the young civil rights activists also did not try to get the lunch counter workers (many of whom were black themselves) to go above and beyond their jobs or to act on their behalf. They simply sat at the counter, asked for service, and when service was refused as they knew it would be, they refused to move. They did not keep demanding service or tell the counter workers to get the manager so they could take up the issue with him.

Also, not everyone has a temperament that is suited to taking the sort of direct political action you propose in a way that will prove most effective. Nor has everyone undergone civil disobedience training as I imagine you have. In fact, as the events of the last year in the US show, direct political action whether done by the left or the right tends to attract a lot of crazy people and loose cannons.

Finally, in considering what tactics will work best to get our point across to the powers-that-be in the US, I think it's important to keep in mind that we live in an era when everyone has a video camera in their cellphones, and when women who make trouble for service workers and "call the manager" are derided as "Karens" and worse. In this context, using encounters with low-level retail personnel to score political points in the hopes our arguments will somehow reach and change the minds of the higher ups in charge not only seems unlikely to succeed, but it can easily backfire on the individuals involved and on the larger cause as well.

[–]BEB 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I've spent a lot of time in countries where women have few rights and are harassed 24/7, and I also remember ACT UP. People fighting for their rights sometimes have to break a few eggs, make noise, upset the apple cart. Feminists all over the world, including in the hell holes I spent time in, are doing just that and I can't see why it wouldn't work here.

For example: that Iranian anti-hijab activist (with ties to neo-conservatives who want USrael to invade/bomb/destroy Iran, which is so FEMINIST, but whatever...) so beloved by WoLF, encourages Iranian women to take off their hijabs in public. So what about the lower level employee who has to tell the activist to put the hijab back on? They risk the wrath of the Iranian state if they don't.

But for whatever reason, the anti-hijab in Iran movement has become a cause for Western feminists, even though, yes, lower-level employees are put at risk if they don't demand the activist put the hijab back on.

But as to involving low-level people in the US - where they won't go to jail if they walk with me to the bathroom: I am a customer, they are supposed to cater to my needs - how can a corporation fault an employee for doing what the customer asks? I don't see it. I'm not demanding, like Chuckie Clym*r, that employees be fired. Far from it.

And I very much think that we people fighting to retain women's rights must lose our fear that the actions of some of us are going to tar and feather all of us. Trans activists and their enablers are going to throw every bit of shit they have at us regardless of what we do.

So I think Kara Dansky is right - if Fox News is the only media that will have her on, go on. Who gives a fuck if a bunch of whiny teenage incels in pink tutus scream lies about her "ties" to white supremacy? We are in a war and one of the main battles - over the Equality Act - is next fucking week. We need everyone to do what they feel is best to defend our rights from the monsters that are trying to destroy us.

And, as I mentioned in another post, this is personal for me: I myself want an escort. I want a person to monitor my safety if I'm unconscious in a hospital room and forced to have a male roommate. I want a gym attendant there in case a man enters or is in my locker room. I want another woman in the bathroom with me.

So, if it ends up me being a one-woman movement, then so be it. I want an escort.

[–]linda_senora 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Excellent idea!

One thing though, what is to stop TIMs from applying for a job as a monitor/ escort? If one of the requirements is for the monitor to be a woman or female, many could claim TRAs have the right to apply for the job.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Really good point. Is there anything trans people who are against TRAs could do to help prevent that from happening?

[–]BEB 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree that TiMs will try but if they did - if a TiM demanded to be a "female" escort - how many more people will that peek?

If the Equality Act passes, female TSA agents are going to have to pat down biological males and women will face male "female" TSA agents touching their intimate areas.

How many people will that peak? Everyone in the fucking airport.

The Democrats are such fucking morons.

I think the Democrats are rushing through the Equality Act for a few reasons, but one is that Biden's executive order woke a lot of Americans up. That and the GOP are proposing what seems to be women/ parents of transitioning children- friendly legislation in state legislatures, and Americans are responding favorably.

So the Democrats have to get the Big Gender legislation through now for their donors, before Americans start storming the Capitol (again).

The Dems are committing political suicide, but also dooming every American woman to sexual assault, harassment and predation. FUCK THEM.

[–]panorama 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You do your thing. You should do your thing. But I, as a woman, am tired of men asking me to do their work for them. If Transmed want to work on this issue, great, but I will NOT compromise. Transmed remain their sex. Period. Good luck to you.

[–][deleted] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Transmed do remain their sex, no one's arguing against that. But I understand your hesitancy and respect your views!

[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)


The French Committee of Public Safety:

The Soviet Union's first Great Purge under Stalin:

China's Red Guards:

The Soviet Gulags:

From "The Lives of Others," excellent film about life in the surveillance state of the GDR in the 1980s:

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you for collecting these links and sharing them!

[–]anxietyaccount8 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

So, this seems a bit vague, are you guys specifically looking for abusers and sexual predators? And that's why you don't want them in the trans community either? If so, then that's fine, because the only problem GCs have with transmeds is their conservative beliefs. They could collaborate on this.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yes, those are exactly the people we're looking for and trying to get rid of. A lot of trans people are harassed by predatory people who are claiming to be transgender or transsexual to get into both trans spaces and women's spaces. None of us want these people to be able to use trans self-ID laws or fears of speaking out to hurt any of us: women, trans people, or children.

[–]BEB 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Let me explain my thoughts on a grassroots women's human rights protest in the US:

Say I got to TJ MAXX. I need to go to the bathroom. I explain to the nice lady at the counter (most probably an immigrant from a country where women have few rights but also no Queer Theory in kindergarten) that I want to go to the bathroom but because the Democrats have passed a law that allows any man in the women's bathroom, I would like an escort.

She calls her manager, I explain to the manager. The manager, most probably also a immigrant, understands because she's a woman from a country where women are raped walking to get water, and asks an employee to go with me. I have now effectively Peak Transed the employees of that TJ MAXX as well as everyone who overhears us.

Another women does the same at another TJ MAXX, and another. Finally, it gets to TJ MAXX management. What do they do? Do they issue an edict that they will not provide women with escorts even though their women's bathrooms are now legally open to ANY man?

Target tried opening up its changing rooms and suffered boycotts and losses. TJ MAXX parent company is no doubt aware of that. What does TJ MAXX do as more and more women demand escorts?

Christian and Muslim groups get involved - why won't TJ MAXX protect women customers?!?!?

Does anyone get where I'm going with this?

[–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Say I got to TJ MAXX. I need to go to the bathroom. I explain to the nice lady at the counter (most probably an immigrant from a country where women have few rights but also no Queer Theory in kindergarten) that I want to go to the bathroom but because the Democrats have passed a law that allows any man in the women's bathroom, I would like an escort.

She calls her manager, I explain to the manager. The manager, most probably also a immigrant, understands because she's a woman from a country where women are raped walking to get water, and asks an employee to go with me. I have now effectively Peak Transed the employees of that TJ MAXX as well as everyone who overhears us.

Then again, given that it's TJ Maxx - which being HQ'd in Massachusetts, one of the wokest states in the East, has had pro-trans policies in place for years - "the nice lady at the counter" and the manager might not turn out to be women on our side after all. Rather, one or both of them might turn out to be a litigious TIM like former TJ Maxx employee Chyanne Smith:

Looks like an out-of-court settlement was reached, but the details are private:,_Inc

BTW, before this same TIM settled his suit against TJ Maxx, he filed a similar lawsuit against his next employer, Bed, Bath & Beyond. The details of the complaints in the new case are eye-opening - and I must confess, they caused me to laugh out loud (which shows what an evil person I am):

On Ms. Smith’s first day of work, a Bed Bath & Beyond Floor Manager, known to Ms. Smith only as “Stephanie,” told Ms. Smith, looking at Ms. Smith’s groin, “I’m not sure what you have [referring to Ms. Smith’s genitals], but I would feel more comfortable if you would use the bathroom when I’m not in there.”

That same day, one of Ms. Smith’s male coworkers threatened to physically assault Ms. Smith if she used the women’s restroom: “A lot of the males around here are messing around with some of the girls here. So, just so you don’t have any problems when you get to the parking lot, just respect people’s wishes. Don’t use the women’s bathroom if my girl is in there.”

Shortly afterward, another of Ms. Smith’s male coworkers told Ms. Smith, “If I’m in the bathroom, don’t use it.”

Ms. Smith immediately complained to Defendant Scott, her immediate supervisor. Rather than addressing Ms. Smith’s complaint, Defendant Scott dismissed her concerns and replied, “Well, what do you expect?”

Defendant Scott then pointed at Ms. Smith’s breasts and asked, “Are those real? Are they yours? How do they look?”

Ms. Smith was offended and humiliated by Defendant Scott’s highly inappropriate, harassing behavior.

Ms. Smith, distressed and deeply upset, immediately called a female manager in Bed Bath & Beyond’s Human Resources (“HR”) Department, known to Ms. Smith only as “Kim,” to complain about the discrimination and to request a transfer to a different department. [Kim from HR never returned Smith's phone messages.]

Defendant Scott responded, “Every time you complain to HR, it’s going to come back to me. Stop complaining. You’re getting off on the wrong foot.”

Bed Bath & Beyond took no action to address Ms. Smith’s complaints, and the discrimination and harassment continued.

Due to Bed Bath & Beyond’s failure to respond, and afraid for her safety in the Store’s restrooms after her coworkers’ threats and harassment, Ms. Smith began using the bathroom at Best Buy, another store nearby.

I'm sure the "folx" at Best Buy were thrilled! LOL

Seriously, given that that being a front-line retail worker is already hard enough - and that many of the women in retail probably have been "peak transed" by colleagues and customers already - it might be best to avoid the chance of making the jobs of low-level employees more difficult and instead go directly to TJ Maxx top management and the board of directors. Their names and contact info are easy to find online.

After all, fighting for civil rights by making problems for low-level employees with the least clout and the lowest wages in companies and organizations is exactly the tactic employed by Char Clymer and other TRAs.

[–]BEB 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I would do both: talk to TJ MAXX headquarters, and also ask for an escort at the store.

And I'm not doing it entirely to make a point, or to Peak Trans the workers, or to get TJ MAXX to pay attention: I have been harassed, assaulted and filmed by men in sex-segregated women's spaces - I want an escort to protect myself.

[–]MarkTwainiac 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

What will you do if/when the answer to your request is no? Which seems to me very likely to happen.

Whether or not a store has to provide access to restrooms for customers in the first place isn't a sure thing, coz the laws on this vary from state to state. But under current laws, no state in the US would require an establishment to oblige a customer's request for an employee to escort her to the restroom.

Obliging such a request could well open up a huge can of worms for retail establishments. Coz it would open the door for people with disabilities, mothers of boys age 8 and up, and fathers of young girls to say that if women are able to get bathroom escorts on demand, then the same provision should also be made for people with mobility, sense and balance impairments - as well as anxieties and phobias - and for young children whose mums, dads and carers are of the opposite sex and thus can't take the kids to the restroom themselves.

[–]BEB 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And then all of that can of worms could be traced back to the problem - laws allowing men to self-identify as women and demand access to spaces where women are naked or otherwise vulnerable.

I know that many women will be afraid to use toilet facilities, locker rooms, etc., even before they see their first crazy TiM, or just plain old man, in one. But afterwards?

Many women - older women, fragile women, disabled women, women who've been assaulted, modest women, Muslim women... will just stay home.

I'm not a woman who scares easily, but I was in a bathroom with a nutcase TiM and if there hadn't been other women in there I would have been much more unnerved. The TiM didn't threaten us, but he stood on the toilet seat, playing with his fright wig and singing at the top of his lungs.

And, as I said, that incident is not the only run in I've had with men in women's spaces. As more and more men, TiMs and just plain perverts, become emboldened to enter women's spaces, women will change their behavior, some even going so far as to avoid the public sphere completely.

So there will be other women who want escorts. And I (again) don't see anything wrong with asking for them. If the store faces having to choose between women not coming into shop, providing escorts, or lobbying politicians to stop their crazy bathroom policies, it will be their choice.

But women shouldn't have to suffer. Women shouldn't have to choose between risking going out and being harassed or assaulted by a man, or staying home. It's like it's 1900 or something again...