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[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]Bootsinmyshoes30[S] 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

    and pronouns are "he/they, nya/nyan, xe/xem, it/its." (Is this a joke? I can't tell anymore. Send help.)

    You made me crack. I always want to cry when I see how ridiculous the "trans" people and their ideology are, but with the way you said "send help", I started laughing so hard and this stomach-hurting, tear-inducing laugh feels so good 🤣 You're so funny

    Unfortunately, it's not a joke though :((. I think "nya/nyan" are the pronouns used by those that "identify" as "catgender", or "nyangender", and "catgender" is in the category of "xenogenders":

    a xenogender that is also an umbrella term for other cat related genders! such as meowgender, nyagender, kitten/kittygender, etc!

    The trans right activists created "xenogenders" for "neurodivergent" people, but say anyone can use them. You see these people "identifying" as cats, bees, even certain foods like pizza, burger, etc because they think they are those things, and not human.

    The person that started that thread, @ghostsoot_, who was bashing the uk law, is not joking. She's "trans" too on top of "nyangender".

    Yesterday right after I found her thread that was getting massive amount of attention, I sent her a dm asking "may I know if you are a trans man or a trans woman, and is the guy in the profile picture you or a youtuber/gamer?", because she has already revealed she is "trans" in a post, and I was curious what kind of "trans":

    She revealed she is a "trans man", and that the guy in her previous profile picture that she changed just some hours ago was not her, but a youtuber:

    She changed that profile picture though:

    And as you can see, she blocked me for asking simple questions like that. I don't know if I have to laugh or cry 😀

    Imagine this is you as a young awkward teen and you try to go from this to posting normal people things, like sharing your cooking or your favorite music. How could it compare to being part of a cause, and treated as really really important? I would bet that other young people are seeing this and is it any wonder that they might interpret their mental illness/trauma, GNC tendencies, feeling of not fitting in or anything else as being trans?

    I get some (most?) of them think they are "trans" because they can get a ton of attention for it that they can't get from doing other things, but I guess I don't get why they want that attention because in my experience, no matter how much attention I received the loneliness never went away. I don't have any friends in reality, apart from my two sisters. Never had any friends in my teenage years either, I had "classmates" that I talked to when absolutely necessary (e.g. group projects, asking for homework if I were absent in class, etc)

    And I get extremely lonely, to the point all I want to is scream in frustration and anger. But whenever I talk to other people, and am surrounded by them, the attention does not do anything, it doesn't alleviate the pain.

    I don't think any of these people that call themselves "trans" for attention feel better after getting the attention, the attention may help them cope temporarily, but I think loneliness is something that can't go away, so after a while the attention they received will stop being effective and they will have to do something else to deal with loneliness ...

    [–]Silverhatband 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

    Thank you for this comment! I appreciated reading it.

    Loneliness, I won't call it a phase, per se, yet, I've come to believe it is a common, devastating, human condition/feeling we all encounter, and the (fortunate?) among us eventually come to terms with, if not accept, then recognize and acknowledge it. I remember, in my own youth,

    And I get extremely lonely, to the point all I want to is scream in frustration and anger. But whenever I talk to other people, and am surrounded by them, the attention does not do anything, it doesn't alleviate the pain.

    It's like how puberty sucks and cannot be avoided IRL, and to try otherwise causes innumerable complications. You'll notice people who never dealt with their loneliness, they can be uncomfortable to be around.

    [–]MarkTwainiac 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    Loneliness, I won't call it a phase, per se, yet, I've come to believe it is a common, devastating, human condition/feeling we all encounter, and the (fortunate?) among us eventually come to terms with, if not accept, then recognize and acknowledge it.

    In the 1930s, Thomas Wolfe wrote an insightful essay about loneliness, "God's Lonely Man," which can be found in this digitized version of "The Thomas Wolfe Reader":