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[–][deleted] 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (6 children)

Every generation has to learn the hard way that their idols are fallible. For whatever reason for these socially awkward young people it's furry artists who they idolize. I don't think it helps in the SJW culture that adults are scorned for not understanding or having concerns about 'trans-issues.' When I deal with kids, I make it a priority to show that it's possible to be a misfit kid but a very happy and secure adult. There are so many GNC lesbians here who know what it's like to go through the struggles of being GNC and other people who would love to help be the role model they wish they had. But the glam of getting a lot of internet praise is more tempting to young people.

[–]MarkTwainiac 11 insightful - 1 fun11 insightful - 0 fun12 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When I deal with kids, I make it a priority to show that it's possible to be a misfit kid but a very happy and secure adult.

The other thing I try to make kids aware of is that even the other "cool" kids they assume to have it all together and who in their eyes don't have a problem in the world often don't experience themselves that way, nor do they necessarily have problem-free lives. Lots of kids who seem happy and "perfect" and popular and carefree on the outside have difficult home lives where they are subjected to various kinds of abuse, suffer trauma like grief, or ongoing tragedies like the protracted illness and dying, mental illness, drug addiction, alcoholism or deterioration into disability of a family member is going on. Most people in adolescence feel awkward and experience a lot of shame and think there's something wrong with themselves. It comes with the territory of growing up as a human being in modern society.

[–]Sistersovermisters[S] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Every generation has to learn the hard way that their idols are fallible.

I think the unfortunate reality of this situation is that these furry artists can prey on awkward young people and win them over to their side of trans rights and AGP-esque hypersexuality. It's not like every furry in the community is like this, but I have found it is not isolated to myself in experiencing this kind of situation. I know this too well, as I was groomed and abused by the furry community when I was a bit younger. It seems like a very repeated action in the community, where they isolate lonely and 'weird' individuals, and try to get them to attach to the artists or whoever is popular in the fandom. It's that feeling of wanting to fit in, which I am sure most generations deal with. It is very much a disgusting feeling though when it feels like you have found a safe place, but you are actually integrated into oversexualization and TRA cult-like behaviors.

[–]MarkTwainiac 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

It seems like a very repeated action in the community, where they isolate lonely and 'weird' individuals

My impression is that it's even worse than this. These communities seem to be hell bent on trying to convince kids and young adults who are having feelings and thoughts that are predictable, customary, commonplace and entirely routine in adolescence and early adulthood that such thoughts and feelings mean these kids and young adults are "weird," set apart from and scorned by their peers, and will cause no one in their own or older age groups ever to understand or accept them - except for the furries, gender cultists, kinksters and predators.

This is abusive, wrong and not based in fact. Most people can relate to the thoughts and feelings of those who are lonely and considered "weird." Loneliness and alienation are things most human beings have experienced. Same goes with feeling weird, awkward, out of place, embarrassed just for being.

If you and your peers were to encounter me IRL, I imagine you and your peers might regard me as boring old woman your gran's age - and that you'd assume there's no way I (or many/most older women) could ever relate or even imagine the issues you are dealing with. But we actually can. We dealt with this stuff when we were young, and this was true of "GNC" butch lesbian women as well as more conventional looking (mostly) het women like myself. But our solution was feminism and the rejection of sex stereotypes. Whereas today's young people are being taught that the solution is misogyny, pornography, "sex work" and the embrace of sex stereotypes.

I am so sorry you are coming of age in this horrible time of backlash. Please keep looking askance at what's going on and speaking out. Young women like you finding your views and voices give me hope.