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[–]vitunrotta[S] 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Was just checking their Twitter - this is a partial, but direct quote from their post (29th of October):

empower female #refugees

end female genital mutilation

advance #genderequality

address gender impact of #COVID19

prevent #genderbasedviolence

support indigenous communities

develop women's IT skills

I highlighted the parts I truly do not get. "Address gender impact" what the what? What does that even mean? For reals? Advance gender equality? In their words, if you're a woman - just hunker down on your vageegee and carry the weight of a teensy weensy minority's issues. Because WIMIN! We were meant to suffer.

Prevent gender based violence? Did you mean violence against women or what is going on with UN Women?

Not for women or girls anymore, that's for sure. They drank the Kool-Aid.

Edit: structure