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[–]BEB 49 insightful - 1 fun49 insightful - 0 fun50 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

I am mix-raced with white combined with a black-haired, brown-skinned race, and my family runs the color spectrum. I am so fucking fed up with accusations of "white feminism" and "Karen" and Bill Burr's fucking bullshit.

I was around for 2nd Wave feminism and there were many of what are now called "women of color" (who just used to be called "women") involved at every level of feminism, including the sheros. My own feminist university group was probably 80% women of color, and the leaders were women of color - and this was in the 1970s.

Karen is a meme to silence women, but specifically white women, because some white women have advantages in the US, and as such, might have an economic cushion that enables them to speak out against misogyny and gender ideology.

Other women (including white women) might want to speak out, but might not have any resources to fall back on and be terrified of losing their job, which also probably means their health insurance. And we don't have much of a safety net in the US, which might also mean homelessness too.

And I have heard Bill Burr do stand up before. He is a creepy, unfunny, angry, misogynist trying to deflect minority anger away from himself and his fellow white bros.

I wouldn't be shocked if there are #MeToo accusations against Burr soon. I am just speculating and I might be completely wrong about him, but that type of visceral hatred of women is often accompanied by sexual and physical abuse.

Pete Davidson is a mess. That is all.

[–]MarkTwainiac 26 insightful - 1 fun26 insightful - 0 fun27 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I was around for 2nd Wave feminism and there were many of what are now called "women of color" (who just used to be called "women") involved at every level of feminism, including the sheros. My own feminist university group was probably 80% women of color, and the leaders were women of color - and this was in the 1970s.

Thank you for saying this. That was my experience too.

Also, in the late 70s, early 80s I attended a number of weekend-long workshops run by American black feminists to give women of other races insight into the particular issues African American women in the US experience, which put special emphasis on black Americans whose ancestors were slaves in the US. These were very instructive workshops, free of the cant that typifies today's "anti racism training" the like.

The constant accusations of "white feminism" are attempts to distort the reality of what happened in the second wave - and to "white out" the racial (and other) diversity of the women who were involved in it, and supported its overall views and aims.

Castigating second wave feminism as "white feminism" also is way of "denying the existence" of enormous numbers of women, including prominent black feminists such as Florynce Kennedy, Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, Maya Angelou, Ntozake Shange, Faith Ringgold, Audre Lord, June Jordan and so many more. It also overlooks all the other women who were involved, such as women of Asian, Middle Eastern, Latino and indigenous heritage, and all who were mixed race. Apparently in the eyes of such experts on women's history like Bill Burr and Pete Davidson, the role of such women in second-wave feminism isn't "valid."

And it seems that in the view of all the people rewriting history willy-nilly nowadays, the "lived experience" of women like you and me who actually were there at the time doesn't count.

[–]BEB 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

It's like the gender lobby insisting that TiMs were behind Stonewall (the event) - TiMs emphatically were not behind Stonewall.

Transgender activists attached themselves very deliberately to the gay rights movement in the late 1990s, so this nonsense that it was always LGBT, with T leading the way, is just that, nonsense.

And 2nd Wave feminism being rewritten as "White Feminism," like the genderists taking credit for Stonewall, is yet again an attempt to rewrite history to sew division, this time between women.

And it worked. I was watching MSNBC and some young black woman (author? college professor?) was talking about how white women had so horribly harmed black women and it was payback time (or something).

And I'm thinking - hey young lady, you do not know what you're talking about. Look at newspaper articles of the time. Talk to women who were actually around for 2nd Wave feminism. Read the books written by feminists of color and look at their achievements. Women across the color spectrum united and were effective because we were united.

That comedy duo, Two Dope Queens, two black women, also do this. They are very funny and seem to be really great women, but they go on about "white feminism" and again, I want them to look at the historical record.

In fact, it's borderline racist to deny the importance of black and other minority women in 2nd Wave feminism, because they should get credit for so much of what was achieved.

[–]MarkTwainiac 14 insightful - 1 fun14 insightful - 0 fun15 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

In fact, it's borderline racist to deny the importance of black and other minority women in 2nd Wave feminism, because they should get credit for so much of what was achieved.

I'd say it's outright racist, not borderline racist.

The second-wave movement involved a huge number of women of all sorts - saying it was "white feminism," and middle-class white feminism to boot, is in effect centering and prioritizing white women who grew up well off.

It's akin to claiming that none of the diverse peoples in Asia, Africa and the Americas had a clue about biological sex and sex differences until about 500 years ago when white European colonialists starting showing up and introducing and imposing the idea that sex is real, and it's binary.

[–]BEB 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I know - the "White Feminism" thing is bullshit - you and I were there during the 2nd Wave and we saw firsthand that women of all colors, and also socio-economic class, were behind 2nd Wave feminism.

Trans, Inc. wants to rewrite feminist history and divide women in any way they can, because they know that united, women are unstoppable