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[–]MarkTwainiac 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Several trans females have been able to breastfeed so we are talking about real breasts.

Nah, mate. A couple of extremely narcissistic trans-identified males have claimed that by pumping themselves full of cross-sex hormones and other dangerous drugs they were able to produce some sort of milky-looking discharge from their nipples. Though these men claimed this stuff actually was milk, in fact the secretions were never analyzed.

What's more, the ex-wife of one of the men who has made these claims says that in his case what came out of his nipples was pus from a chronic infection caused by surgery to implant sacs of fluid or gel into his chest to simulate the appearance of large female breasts.

And contrary to these men's claims that they were able to "breastfeed" children, there is no testimony or evidence that the nipple secretions of these men were ever able to sustain a single child's life, promote his/her development or transfer immunity to a child the way breastmilk made by actual female people does.

Some men have sexual fetishes about lactation and breastfeeding. Some of the men with these fetishes are trans-identified. Funny that.

By trotting out the claims of these men, and trumpeting their specious claims as truth, you're really not doing your side a favor. A fella who has fetishes around female body functions and thinks that having such fetishes somehow makes him some kind of woman is only proving just how male, solipsistic and out of touch with the reality of women's lives he actually is.