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[–]endless_assfluff 20 insightful - 1 fun20 insightful - 0 fun21 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

Oh, totally. Everyone does. Trans people should not be bullied for gender non-conformity. They should not be beaten. They have the right to express themselves. In real life, I give trans people the benefit of the doubt, call them by their preferred pronouns, listen to their experiences, emotionally support them through those struggles, etc.

What they do not have the right to do is exert control over other groups of people. And as you know, that's what's happening here. The claim that TERFs are evil and literally want every single trans person to die is a misdirection tactic because even acknowledging what our primary qualm is, head-on, shows how sexist and homophobic their movement is.

Unfortunately, people are born with genitals. There is a group of people born with vaginas (once called "women") and a group of people born with vaginas who are exclusively attracted to other people born with vaginas (once called "lesbians"). Current TRA ideology is trying to make it unacceptable for these groups to talk amongst themselves about shared issues related to biological sex. They're not even allowed words to describe themselves. You want a word for feminine-presenting people who are exclusively attracted to feminine-presenting people? Cool, that's a group of people. They can have a word. Why aren't biologically female people who are exclusively attracted to biologically female people allowed to have a word and their own communities, too? Why is it considered discriminatory and exclusionary if someone wants a space where they don't have to look at or think about penis? Isn't that a sexual boundary?

Giving a direct response to that makes them look bad. So they don't. They can't. They swing the narrative back to how poor and oppressed trans people are and how painful gender dysphoria is, and if some trans teen somewhere kills themselves because a group of women wanted to have a chat about periods without centering the teen's feelings, those women are evil. But the truth is, we are perfectly capable of empathizing with and listening to trans people, while TRAs dehumanize us and call for our deaths.

TRAs fighting alongside women to make the world safer for feminine-presenting and gender-nonconforming people? Cool.

TRAs telling people formerly known as women and people formerly known as lesbians that they aren't allowed to gather because it's exclusionary? Not cool.

And while I'm ranting, it's so blatantly obvious how much the movement has swung from self-acceptance to exerting control. Look, if it's painful for a trans person to hear someone else refer to them by the wrong gender pronouns, I acknowledge that pain, and agree that it should be lessened. But what's the easier path here: convincing every single person in the world to always use the correct pronouns, or helping the trans person love and accept themselves so that they don't rely on external validation? Why is the message "TWAW, so everyone had better play along OR ELSE" and not "TWAW, so you are valid no matter what anyone else says, your body and gender presentation are perfect the way they are because they belong to you"?

Because it's not about empowerment, it's about dominance. Full stop.

[–]Kai_Decadence 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

That's the thing though. We KNOW that trans-identified people "are people". No one ever says they aren't so that's why I NEVER understand why these people say that because we already know that. But not believing that they are the sex they claim to be because of arbitrary reasons does not "dehumanize" them.

Exactly and as a feminine-presenting gay man, I have this in mind as well and it's why I don't play by "preferred pronouns", at least not when I'm doing my talks or analysis'. Because the thing I see is that for the "transwomen" who aren't doing what they do for some sex fetish kink or harassing women, I'm seeing feminine men who are desperately wanting to be themselves (present femininely) but not get backlash or bullying by other people (men), so they call themselves "transwomen" to avoid it but I'm trying to help these people find inner confidence in being the feminine men they are and know that there's nothing wrong with them. So my "misgendering" might seem harsh but it's not meant to be mean-spirited, it's meant to be honest but honesty with no malice. In short, these GNC men and women don't need to worry about being judged by someone like me, that they can be themselves.

But yeah in general, I agreed with everything you said.

[–]endless_assfluff 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

And there's nothing wrong with that. I do privately refer to people with the correct-sex pronouns. It's the truth. For sure. The only time I play along is in public around people who drank the Kool-Aid, so they don't get the vapors.

Is that quote from someone else?

[–]Kai_Decadence 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah I'm the same. Like I will play along in public around people for the obvious reasons. Like there are 3 obvious "transwomen" who come into my job and while I know they are men, I just keep it to myself.

And oh no, the quote was mine, I forgot to delete the ">" lol