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[–]RedditHatesLesbians 17 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Interestingly enough, all people who struggle with mental illness have an increased risk of suicide. And you know when that risk is statistically exponentially worse? When the mental illness remains untreated.

And in my opinion, proper treatment of gender dysphoria is basically illegal now. Any therapy exploring why a person wants to transition is now seen as "conversion therapy" and treatment feeds into the delusion by giving them a bottle of pills and a clinic to cut their non-gendered bits off at. Trans people have truly nowhere to turn to apart from a bunch of butchers making money from their suffering. It's like leading an anorexic to a liposuction clinic. Truly sick, and I really do feel for them.

But since when do we blame individuals for the suicides of others? We've learned not to blame magazines for the suicides of people with eating disorders, because there's more to it than that. When someone kills themselves, they were fighting their own demons and it's nobodies fault. When it comes to trans people this logic goes out thr window - they killed themselves because you, specifically, are gender critical and refused to gender them correctly. It's ridiculous double-think.

[–]SameOldBS 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Then they have face feminising surgery and maybe bottom too, and are mystified to find that straight men and lesbians don't really want to date them and it's going to be near impossible to have a normal relationship.