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[–]ArthnoldManacatsaman 67 insightful - 2 fun67 insightful - 1 fun68 insightful - 2 fun -  (6 children)

This is the tactic of the abuser.

Don't leave disagree with me, I'll kill myself!

Edit: I'm going to keep going because soapbox.

We are aware through our work with families that there have been cases of self-harm and even attempted suicide following J.K.Rowling’s statements and the public response on social media and in the press. Surely this must cause us all to pause and question the way young trans lives are being debated in public.

Call me a heartless monster, but that is nobody else's responsibility but their own. Yes, it's awful when anyone self-harms or attempts suicide, but if people are so fragile they are going to self-harm over something they read in the newspaper then that tells me that they are in desperate need of psychiatric intervention, not that the debate that offends them is upsetting. Exposure to issues that offend or upset you builds character, and strengthens or challenges your own convictions. Mermaids should be inveighing against the lack of mental health resources available to these people, not JK.

Trans people are far from being accepted by society and suffer real life discrimination, including physical violence, employment discrimination and everyday harassment on the street.

But so do plenty of people. This is something societies need to work on, but if a woman killed herself because she was refused the CEO role she really wanted, most people would probably rightly come to the conclusion that there were other demons lurking under the surface.

Therefore, as a woman of great power and someone sympathetic to trans young people, we ask her to acknowledge the many young people around the world who fundamentally disagree with her position on trans acceptance and we beg her to at least consider the possibility that trans young people are able to express who they are for themselves.

JK Rowling doesn't have to do shit. 'I am aware people disagree with me, but honestly, fuck them right?' - would that be fine then? JK isn't stupid enough to think that people don't disagree with her. The fact that she has doubled down in spite of massive disagreement makes her statements all the more profound. She has not been cowed into silence or retraction.

She's not denying that trans people can't express who they are for themselves. A tweet of hers literally says 'wear a dress, call yourself what you want' - what is that if not 'considering the possibility'? What they mean is 'come round to the pov that...'.

J.K. Rowling rightly speaks of brave ‘detransitioned’ young women. Yet, does she consider trans people, living openly in spite of public hostility, less brave? Are those who have fought for decades to be treated with respect and dignity in a society that ridicules and demonises them, less brave? Are those children and young people who state their true gender in the face of rejection from family and friends less brave? At Mermaids, we support people no matter the path they take and that of course includes those who transition, detransition or retransition.

It doesn't matter how brave she thinks they are, bravery and being right aren't mutually exclusive options. You can be brave and wrong, and cowardly and correct.

J.K. Rowling may see that as part of a ‘radical trans rights movement’, we see it as our duty. If we are considered radical by some, then we will accept the badge and wear it with pride. We do not consider it radical to listen to young people and support them without prejudice. We do not consider it radical to believe that trans adults were once trans children. We do not consider it radical to believe that children and young people know who they are, for themselves, without arbitration from strangers. If standing beside trans young people and their families is radical, then please J.K. Rowling, be radical.

JK does not consider it radical to stand up for the sex-based rights of women and girls. JK does not consider it radical to believe that 'trans children' deserve psychiatric intervention and protection from invasive, irreversible medical procedures. If standing up for women and girls (and many others groups besides) is radical, then please, JK, be radical.

We hope people will soon see the damage being done to vulnerable people by the nature of this polarised, misinformed ‘debate’.


We repeat our call for people of all perspectives to refrain from threatening and aggressive behaviour and we utterly condemn anyone sending threatening or abusive content to J.K. Rowling. We ask J.K.Rowling to make a similar appeal to those using her name in their profiles whilst threatening and abusing trans people and their friends, supporters and families.

That is fair enough, and I think JK herself (without wanting to put words in her mouth) would condemn in the strongest possible terms anyone who used her name to threaten or abuse anybody else.

Again, as we have asked before: please, do not speak about trans children and young people, until you have listened to them first.

I agree in principle that people shouldn't spout off about things about which they know nothing, but a larger part of me just wants to tell these people to fuck off.

[–]BEB 44 insightful - 4 fun44 insightful - 3 fun45 insightful - 4 fun -  (5 children)

Wonderful post!

The only thing I disagree with is that in my years of lurking on GC spaces I have never once seen a feminist or a supporter threaten a trans person.

And as for "abuse" - if calling a spade a spade is considered "abuse" well, maybe, but if that's the definition of "abuse" then maybe everyone needs to suffer it in order to toughen up for the real abuse coming our way, because we all live in a world that couldn't give a fuck about our feelings.

And Mermaids acts as if JK Rowling and other trans activist critics have NOT listened to trans children and young people when, in fact, we've listened too much. We know that many of these kids are gay, or depressed, or autistic, or have suffered sexual/physical abuse, or ADHD - we know these kids are searching for something to make them feel better, and we know that BY LISTENING TO THEM.

tl;dr STFU Mermaids

[–]ArthnoldManacatsaman 30 insightful - 1 fun30 insightful - 0 fun31 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And as for "abuse" - if calling a spade a spade is considered "abuse" well, maybe, but if that's the definition of "abuse" then maybe everyone needs to suffer it in order to toughen up for the real abuse coming our way, because we all live in a world that couldn't give a fuck about our feelings.

Honestly you've hit the nail straight on the head there. I don't want to sound like my grandmother complaining about snowflakes, but whatever happened to mental resilience? I read The Coddling of the American Mind about a year ago, and the authors mention three 'myths of fragility' that are really apt here:

  1. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you weaker.

  2. Always trust your feelings.

  3. Life is a battle between good people and evil people.

Never mind what Alexander Solzhenitsyn said about the line between good and evil cutting through the heart of every human being, magic lady hurted my feeeeels!

[–]denverkris 24 insightful - 1 fun24 insightful - 0 fun25 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

"because we all live in a world that couldn't give a fuck about our feelings."

This right here. I am not responsible for YOUR feelings. YOU are. You want to be she but you're a he and I called you a he and that's hurts your feelers? not my problem, and I honestly don't care. I don't have time to worry about every inane fucking made up aggression that hurts your feelers. Especially when its the truth that bothers you. I was not put on this earth to be your emotional support system.

[–]jelliknight 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Totally! The views of the whole fragile woke brigade (not just the trans aspect) is: "I can't be expected to control my emotions. You have to control them for me."

Sorry not sorry, I take responsibility for my words, my meanings, and my actions. NOT your responses.

[–]luckystar 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

And Mermaids acts as if JK Rowling and other trans activist critics have NOT listened to trans children and young people when, in fact, we've listened too much.

THIS THIS THIS. The average person has no clue what's going on. Most of us are former "allies".

[–]Head_Sherbert 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I agree with you. An important point that has often been lost: Listening doesn't mean agreeing.