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[–]Literallyawoman 40 insightful - 1 fun40 insightful - 0 fun41 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Being comfortable and coming from privilege and money isn't cool right now. The white kids with a vacation home are snapchatting their self harm and gender politics to feel relevant.

Take this for what you will, i'm white and grew up with mixed family and was always the minority at school race-wise. The non-white community I grew up with had its share of non-gender conforming people, lots of black gay women who presented male, and effeminate black men with a female nickname, and we just live and let live with them. Bi people and gays in my experience were accepted without question by the majority of the black community ( I can only speak for the one I grew up in). And gender non-conforming clothing was also more culturally acceptable imho than in the white circles.

BUT when I transferred to a majority white school, it felt like many white kids who, like myself, come from a comfortable middle class or higher really struggle to define themselves and have to ANNOUNCE to everyone when they're depressed, when they're a different sexuality, as a core personality trait instead of just one facet of their being.

Even now the non-whites I know who are gay/lesbian and yes trans, they don't make a big deal about it. They come out, they are activists in their real life community, but they aren't hateful or as loud and obnoxious as the white TRA crowd. I can't say why; maybe being a minority and all the challenges they face mutes any desire to play the oppression olympics?

A lot of TRA activity online, if you do some quick snooping, is perpetrated by really young white kids, like, as young as 13. People who are currently still growing up (generalizing bear with me) in relative comfort who need both a sense of community/identity and struggle to cling to to give themselves purpose.

Also, being white means you can be much more violent, obnoxious, and attention-seeking without consequences (I cannot stress how much this is from personal experiences; white people can come from poverty but they're not buying steroids and hormones are they hmm...)

[–]Agodachi 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Your points with class and age are very important factors to consider when having this discussion.