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[–]Echoofmiles 34 insightful - 2 fun34 insightful - 1 fun35 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

This. I was perfectly in favour of trans rights as I had never examined the issue, never had cause to consider the implications...until we had a talk at work. From Mermaids. And got the whole 'my son likes pink so he's really a girl spiel. Then I started looking into things. Then I became worried, disturbed, angry. Desperaely tried to find others who could see how regressive this all is, but with limited success, frankly. We fought agai st stereotypes for decades and now we're fighting for them. How the hell did we get here?!

[–]Agodachi[S] 7 insightful - 3 fun7 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

I was an ally as well. I even had close trans friends (we don't talk anymore because we drifted apart, not because of trans rights issues). Things started to change when I got older and I simply became more critical, especially when the whole nonbinary thing rolled around. It felt like people were conflating personally with some "gender identity" and I saw a flux of girls and my community claim to be boys or nonbinary. Things got worse in college when I would see things like "people who mensturate," "woman can have penises too," "boys can have vaginas," etc. God all that stuff made me cringe so much. I see some of my friends in college supporting every little thing that the TRAs spew it's ridiculous, they don't even go that hard for women's rights, black lives matter, APIDA issues, or Indigenous issues. Sometimes I wish I could be my old self and just support the TRAs blindly again, because it feels really lonely being GC, especially now since the GC subreddits were removed. :(