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[–]motionlessoracle 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It's definitely worried about all out of proportion to actually happening, at least where rape is concerned.

I'm against the death penalty, for instance, even though the risk of executing the wrong person is low, because the damage done to the person wrongly executed is abhorrent. I feel similarly about public accusations. I have watched protestors going insane trying to doxx individuals from photographs/videos and I have seen them name many, many innocent people before finally getting the right one. Each one of those false namings has the potential to end a person's career and subject them to massive harassment. This is why police tip lines do not operate in the open. They are trying to maintain the assumption of innocence until there is sufficient evidence. Accused people have rights, even if they are ultimately despicable people. Twitter mob justice does not respect the rights of the accused.

I do not think that one can be aghast at what happened to innocent people like Emmett Till, yet simultaneously believe that one is on the "right side of history" as long as they are only unleashing injustice on white men.

Men need to face justice. Justice does not come from the mob.

[–]Catbug 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Accused people have rights sure, but my heart is just not breaking for men who think that they’re really at risk of something that barely happens. ~But what about the men~ isn’t concerning to many of us here at the best of times.

Dudes clutching pearls over that and not how they’re twice as likely to be raped by a dude than be falsely accused by a woman. Acting like it’s common is just feeding the paranoia men have about women not being silent about shit treatment.

Idk how you made this about just white men when it’s all men I’m discussing. Not interested in racebait.