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[–]lefterfield 80 insightful - 1 fun80 insightful - 0 fun81 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Disturbing. If this is by a TiF, it suggests that she has a lot of trauma and self-loathing and sees wearing a binder as a form of self-harm(and thus a relief). Which... from everything I've seen, that's likely true for a lot of them.

[–][deleted] 22 insightful - 1 fun22 insightful - 0 fun23 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

It is for my TIF niece. And she's got other girls doing it now too. And her parents know the risks full well but can't see it for what it is.

[–]Irascible-harpy 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I used to wear two of the smallest sports bras I could squeeze into layered on top of each other. My best girlfriend wore thick baggy hoodies every single day, year round.

It's heartbreaking how young women feel about their bodies and I'm sick to death of gender ideologies taking advantage of this painful stage in a young woman's development.