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[–]gencritcurious[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When I wrote this post, I was observing a phenomenon that i saw specifically in the anime fan community, but i’m sure this extends beyond that and falls under the broader phenomenon of straight girls being obsessed with gay male media(fanfiction, slash, etc). As an asian girl, i dont think that anime is inherently trying to indoctrinate young women into becoming “gay” tifs, but the way its consumed has most definitely influenced the trans craze, at least in the west. Its a combination of escapism, fantasy, and idealized pornography(theres going to be porn content in fandoms everywhere) that influences these specific kinds of tras, but the media itself is not to blame. This is a discussion about how unhealthy consumption of media by vulnerable girls can lead to trans identity, not about how the media(anime) is inherently bad(i dont fw media conspiracy theories for the most part)