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[–]venecia 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Hello again my friend. Thank you for sharing your story. The other ladies said everything I wanted to say, and I'll just add my little bit here.

Try not to let the rhetoric about ''ruining'' or ''mutilating'' bodies, spoken in anger, be taken to mean something about your worth. Among us, there are women with no hair, with their breasts or ovaries removed as they fight cancer. They are beautiful, strong, and WOMEN as a matter of FACT. We would never dream of calling their bodies ruined or disgusting for something they were victimized by, and I see you the same way.

Words like ''mutilation'' are about brutal, unnecessary medical procedures that are for some reason accepted by society, and rhetoric like this is pushback. Men's rights activists use the word ''mutilation'' to argue circumcision, yet they are not ruined as men for having gone through it. Just so, you are no less valid a woman or person. Please take care of yourself my friend.