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[–]windrunner 10 insightful - 3 fun10 insightful - 2 fun11 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

If you read the post comments...they're really delusional. They really think "transphobes create this narrative so they can justify not dating trans people and to say that WE say people HAVE to date trans people. We dont say that....but also saying you never will date a trans person IS transphobia" lol as if people don't have anything better to do. I honestly think they 1. lack critical thinking skills 2. have mental health issues (to do this kind of gymnastics so that they look like "the good guys") Also, saying GAY and LESBIAN people have a "genital preference" is fucking offensive. It's OUR SEXUALITY. It's not a "preference". And even going as far as saying said "Genital preferences" are transphobic bc God forbid if lesbians don't want anything to do with men and their dicks. In their minds people "have to be open" to other possibilities. lmao I honestly have 0 patience with these fuckers now